How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year


How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

As a mom and older sister, I know firsthand how a well-prepared home can make all the difference in surviving a new school year. Gone are the days of wild backpacks, forgotten lunch bags and “where’s my shoes?”. Today I want to share some tips and tricks to get your home ready for a smooth, stress-free start to the school year.

Decluttering Your Home for a Stress-Free School Year

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

Before we can truly dive in, we have to remove the clutter. After all, a clutter-free home is the key to making your daily routines run smoothly. Here are a few steps to declutter your home:

  • Set Aside Time: Dedicate a weekend or a few days to declutter your home before when school starts. Make it a family project and involve everyone.
  • Room by Room: Focus on one room at a time or assign a family member to a specific room.
  • Sort and Purge: Once you get to a room, you are going to want to sort items into three categories: keep, donate, garbage/recycle. Remember to only keep what you truly need and use.
  • Organize: Use storage bins, baskets, and shelves for items in their homes.
  • Maintain: Make a regular decluttering routine a habit by keeping your home tidy throughout the school year.

Areas to Declutter:

  • Clear out shoes, coats, and bags that aren’t used regularly.
  • Use hooks and cubbies to keep essentials organized.
  • Clean out your pantry and fridge.
  • Discard expired items and organize snacks and lunch supplies for easy access.
  • Go through clothes and toys in the bedrooms.
  • Donate items your children have outgrown or no longer use.
  • Organize books, papers, and supplies.
  • Make sure everything has a designated spot.

Create a Family Command Center

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams
Do you have a command center for your family? If not, consider one. A family command center is a dedicated space where you can keep track of schedules, important papers, and daily essentials. Here is how to set up your command center:
  • Choose the Right Spot in high-traffic areas in your home where everyone can access such as the kitchen or a hallway.
  • Buy a Calendar to assist with tracking everyone’s activities such as a large wall calendar, clear acrylic calendar, whiteboard or chalkboard calendar. If able, invest in a digital wall calendar.
  • Use wall-mounted organizers, bins, or file holders for school papers, permission slips, and mail.
  • Keep pens, markers, and other supplies handy for quick access using in-drawer organizers, small jars or cups.
  • Lastly, a corkboard or magnetic board is perfect for pinning important notices, invitations, and reminders.

Establish a Homework Station

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams
If space allows, you should have a designated homework area. It can help your child stay focused on their homework and less distracted with the bonus of being organized. Here are a few tips for creating a homework station:
  • Choose a quiet, well-lit area.
  • Desk and chair.
  • Supplies such as pencils, erasers, rulers, and paper.
  • Storage bins or drawers for storing completed assignments and upcoming projects.
  • Include fun decor like motivational quotes or your child’s artwork.

Organize School Supplies

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

An organized supply area makes it easy to find everything you need for school projects and homework. How to Keep Supplies Organized

  • Take inventory of what you already have.
  • Discard any old or broken items.
  • Group similar items together such as writing utensils, art supplies, and paper.
  • Use clear bins, drawers, or caddies to keep everything organized and easy to find.
  • Label each container to make it easy for everyone to find and put away.
  • Lastly, keep a checklist of items that need to be restocked regularly so you always have what you need.

Plan for Morning Routines

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

Have you thought about your morning routine? It can help set a positive tone for the entire day and make things feel less chaotic. Here are tips for an efficient morning routine:

  • Lay out clothes, pack lunches, and gather school bags the night before.
  • Have designated spots for school bags, shoes, and jackets.
  • Plan and prepare a healthy breakfast.
  • Create a morning checklist for your kids to help them remember their tasks, such as brushing their teeth and packing their homework. Snag a premade morning checklist from my free resource library!
  • Set alarms and give everyone enough time to get ready without feeling rushed.

Meal Planning and Prep

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

Do you enjoy cooking after a long day at work? Many of us feel exhausted. Meal planning and preparing your meals ahead of time can actually save you time! Here’s how to get started and some steps for a successful meal planning:

  • Weekly Plan: Plan your meals for the week, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Write down your menu and make a shopping list.
  • Prep Ahead: Prepare ingredients or cook meals in advance. Chop vegetables, cook grains, and marinate meats ahead of time.
  • Lunch Ideas: Keep a list of lunch ideas that your kids enjoy. Pack lunches the night before to save time in the morning.
  • Snacks: Stock up on healthy snacks and organize them in a designated spot for easy access.
  • Slow Cooker: Utilize a slow cooker for easy, hands-off meals during busy weekdays.

Final Thoughts

How to Get Your Home Ready for the New School Year | City of Creative Dreams

Back to school doesn’t have to be a chaotic time, it can be a lot easier if you get your home prepared for the new school year. This process doesn’t have to be overwhelming either, with a little planning and organization, you can create a functional and stress-free environment for your family. Remember, the key is to establish routines, declutter regularly, and keep everything organized. Here’s to a successful and enjoyable school year!



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