Planning out the first few projects in your home is a fun prospect. It is always great to be able to plan and design your own living space, and there are simple steps to follow to design the ideal project every time.
Today we are going to take a look at the steps you should take in order to plan out and manage any decorating project in your home.
1. List your goal

The first thing you have to do when coming up with a project in the home is decide on your aim. What do you want the room to look like? How will it be laid out? Will you be moving or adding plug sockets? All of these questions are important ones to ask yourself to gain a real understanding of your goals, and in turn, you can start to explore how to achieve them. Consider using a resource such as these brainstorming apps: https://setapp.com/how-to/apps-to-brainstorm-more-effectively to plan your project and decide on what you want for the room. Sketch a design so that you have a visual representation to follow.
2. Draw up a budget
The budget is the most important part of any DIY project, and the process of coming up with a budget is real science. Your budget needs to take every item and supply into account so this is where you will need to draw up a list of every tin of paint, a tube of sealant, and piece of furniture you need for the home. Once you have a list, find the most cost-effective product and record the price. This way, right from the start you will have a figure in mind to stick to, and this will allow you to set the money aside for the project.
3. Think lifestyle
There is so many time you will look in an interior design magazine and dream of a specific design for your home. But a lot of the time, ideas you have won’t translate to real life. For example, you might want to fill the home with leather seats and expensive polished concrete floors… but if you have children or pets you run the risk of accidents or scratches. Consider your lifestyle realistically and from this, you can work out what you want to do with the home.
4. Order samples
The best thing you can do when planning out a project for the home is to order a few samples. For example, you can order small paint samples to try out on the wall, use small cuttings of wallpaper to assess your wants, and source carpet or vinyl samples to decide which works best for you. There are many places you can get free samples and this will prevent you from spending a whole lot of money on something that doesn’t quite fit with your needs.
5. Don’t take a break
Home projects are a black hole of procrastination, and it is all too easy to strip half of the wallpaper from your wall and then leave it that way for 2 years before carrying on. Don’t let yourself settle when carrying out DIY in the home, in fact, it may be a good idea to book a few days off where you can tackle a room in its entirety. It will save time, get the job done, and allow you to enjoy a beautiful new home.