Traveling can be tedious, especially when packing. It can be a hassle when you need to pack your things in one tiny suitcase and you need to make more room for possible shopped items while on the road. It is important to know some travel hacks that will help you in travelling without too much of a heavy load.
Unless you mastered the art of packing light and comfortably, one needs to invest in travel gear and accessories for a better and more convenient travel experience.
If you need ideas on the best gifts for travelers, then you have come to the right place. Here’s five gift items you can give to your traveling-loving loved ones and even to yourself if it fits the bill.

Comfortable shoes
Think of how a traveller walks from one place to another. Whether you are in city tours, walking around the airport, or spending an afternoon biking in the park, a traveller should have her best go-to shoes. It can be a pair of white sneakers or a cute pair of flat sandals which fit just about any outfit—from day til night. This pair should look good with jeans or even with sunny dresses so you need not to bring in many pairs for a certain purpose. This one is purposed for just about any activity when you travel.
Passport holder
When at the airport, it can be a hassle when you need to look into your bag for your passport and your ID cards. Give your loved ones a nice wallet which holds almost everything she needs. This holder should have room not only for her passport, but also her keys, a few bills and coins, ID cards, tickets, maps, and even her mobile phone and earphones.

Stylish Scarf
This one is the most common travel essentials for women. Scarves are not just meant to keep you warm on chilly days. Travel in style even in a tropical island with your scarf which you can turn into a sunny dress, a hair accessory, or a nice top. Giving scarf as a gift can benefit your loved one as she can DIY styles she wants depending on the need.
These step tracking devices do not just keep you fit while on the road. They have features where you can easily be notified if you have new emails and updates on your calendar. In this way, you can incorporate travel and business while getting fit.
Travel Pillow
Nothing beats having a nice sleep even when you are away from home. Travel pillows with the right contour can make your trip a memorable one as it gives you better sleeping experience even when you are not in your bed. If you have this, you need not to worry having uncomfortable naps while waiting for your flights or when you are in a hostel with hard cushions.

Contributed by Scott Masson.
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