Honey, we are talking about honey. Whenever my son or I get hurts the first thing I do before putting on a bandage is getting some honey. I always get the reaction, huh Why. I do this because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
Don’t worry at first I thought it was ridiculous when I first got introduced to this trick from my aunt. I honestly can’t stand honey. There is something about it that never went down my throat right. Its sticky and doesn’t taste nice to me so I can admit once I heard the word honey I checked out. But once I tried it, I never stopped.
Here are the benefits of honey:
Honey is considered liquid gold because well it does more things than one. It is the best of the best when it comes to healing your body in more in more ways than one. Plus, it is a great substitute for sugar. Bees do all the work so that we can reap the benefits of the following below.
Other benefits are:
- Alleviates Allergies
- Energy Booster
- Memory Booster
- Cough Reliever
- Sleep Aid
- Natural Antibiotic
- Treats Dandruff
- Has Antibacterial & Antifungal Properties
- Treats Wounds And Burns
Best Tip on How to Use Honey on your Cuts.

Want to see how I do this without getting sticky? If you are not a huge fan of getting your hands sticky like Winnie the Pooh then you will love how I do this.
Here is what you need:
- Organic Honey
- One bandage
- Q-tip
Step 1 – Apply a small drop of honey onto the padding part of the bandage with a Q-tip.
Step 2 – Place the bandage onto your cut
Step 3 – Wrap it.
That is it! Very simple.
Final Thoughts
It is funny to know that here I am raving about Honey. If you had asked me about this year ago I would have never believed you with the amount of dislike for it. I may never personally eat it but I will keep using it. It just shows you that there are more ways than one to use honey and many benefits on why you should use it.