Lifting heavy weight and putting it back down or placing one foot in front of the other on a noisy treadmill, may seem like an excellent way to spend several hours per week to some people. With all due respect to those dedicated gym rats who crave the pump, not everyone shares their enthusiasm. If you’re one of those people, fear not, as there are ways you can get and stay in excellent shape without ever joining the gym ranks.
Depending on your lifestyle as well as your fitness goals, you can pick and choose among the several creative ways to stay fit – or even come up with a mix of them to keep your body guessing every time you’re getting ready for the next workout!

This is literally a dream come true for people living in coastal cities or areas where you can visit a lake, a river, or a pool every day. The first situation with access to sea actually offers quite a vast number of options, from regular swimming, which is great for your back and all muscle groups, to kayaking, surfing, and scuba-diving, which can also make for challenging workouts!
You’re a tad competitive? Then you can even join a water polo group in your community, master the basics and then enjoy regular matches.
Dance classes

If you’re more comfortable on dry land, and you’re easily moved by any type of rhythm, then this is an ideal opportunity to learn a new dance or two. Regular dancing comes with many health perks, including improved cardiovascular health, strength, mobility, but also memory and reduced stress.
From pole dancing, salsa, Zumba, all the way to tango and break-dancing, the world is full of options that can fit your musical preferences. Make sure to find durable dance shoes for the particular style you choose, because they are the key part of your gear that will make your classes enjoyable and safe.
Outdoor boot camps
You want something that will always offer an extra layer of challenge, and let you spend time outside in the fresh air and meet adventurous, like-minded people? Then you can always find an outdoor fitness class that is based on a boot camp model, which pairs the best of all possible fitness worlds. The oxygen and sunshine will do wonders for your health, while the constantly changing workouts will keep your body working hard.
This is where you can put your favourite women’s gym clothing to great use since those durable leggings and breathable fabrics provide support for your muscles and keep your skin healthy. See? No need to feel guilty for buying those cute tank tops; any outdoor workout is a perfect way to make the most of them.
Martial arts

If martial arts are too aggressive for your taste, and you prefer something with a slower pace, then yoga can be your go-to fitness routine. There are plenty of videos you can follow even in the comfort of your own home, but if you’ve had some previous injuries, perhaps it’s best to start with guided group classes.
Don’t be fooled by the slow pace, because yoga will not only give you a more flexible body but also tone your muscles and improve your balance and coordination, not to mention the stress relief.
Home workouts

While we’re on the subject of home-based yoga sessions, if you don’t mind some of the movements people normally perform at the gym, you can easily translate the same training routine into your own home. We’re talking lunges, weighted or bodyweight, push-ups, crunches, squats, planks, burpees, and all the other favourite gym moves, but without the gym environment.
If you’d like to take it to the next level, you can even look into buying some basic gym equipment such as kettlebells or dumbbells, which are very versatile and easy to use. Plus, the Internet allows you to have literally hundreds of workout videos at your fingertips to make your training more fun every time!
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