I actually made this bedroom side table makeover a while back when I was in high school. My aunt’s side table got damaged while moving her stuff into storage. She was going to through this damaged bedside table away and I said ” I want it” after you telling me that it’s too broke and she will just throw it away. I said. “Don’t worry I have an idea for it” and indeed I did. So there were pieces broke and holes. Sorry, I don’t have many pictures because I made this way before I even had a blog but I will show you what I did to make it.
Here is what I did for this bedroom side table makeover:
The top of the side table is made out of basket material.
Which is easy to break. Here you can see the hole that it had,
I used my glue gun and a piece of think plastic that you can get off of plastic packaging from the store.
Then took a leopard skirt that I had but never used and glued it over the top.
It looks as if I bought the side table like this.
Here is closer view.
I think it turned out amazingly.
Next, I added my leopard print pencil case that I use for other things.
I added a vase with flowers on top of it for a pop of color.
And lastly something very special to me, an autograph from one of my favorite childhood actors.
Under the table, I place added bags that store things like make-up.
There you have it, you got to see one of the very early creations that I made. I should have started a blog back then.
- How to Make A Bedroom Walk-in Closets Come True
- IKEA HACK: Simple LACK Side Table Change
- How to Build Your Best Guest Bedroom
- IKEA Hack: Spraying BRIMNES
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