Keeping up with a home is a big task, even for the most experienced homemakers. No matter how on top of things you are, you will probably miss some places that need decluttering.
We all know the heavily soiled areas that constantly need cleaning like living rooms and kids’ rooms. However, what about those less noticeable spots that don’t get as much attention? Don’t panic! Here are five areas in your home that you probably forgot to organize.
Kitchen Drawers
The kitchen is the heart of every home, so you probably spend a lot of time managing it already. However, sometimes things that are out of sight are also out of mind. I’m talking about your kitchen drawers. It’s easy for these to collect junk, so make sure you organize your kitchen drawers often and put everything back in its rightful place.
Extra Closet
If you’re lucky enough to have a spare closet in your home, you know that you can easily forget about them. I mean, how many blankets have you shoved in there without folding or placing them on the right shelf? You can avoid the avalanche of junk whenever you open the door by decluttering the space and including it in your regular organizing routine.
Another area in your home that you probably forgot to organize is your vanity. Makeup is collectible, and we are all guilty of holding onto products longer than necessary. Once you’ve sifted through your collection and gotten rid of what you don’t need, take some time to arrange everything. Invest in drawer dividers, bins, and other storage supplies to keep similar items together for easy access.
Medicine Cabinet
Like your vanity, your medicine cabinet is a nest for old prescriptions you forgot to toss. It’s understandable to stock up on wellness items with a houseful of people; however, most medications have expiration dates and lose effectiveness as they age. Free up some room by taking your expired prescriptions to the pharmacy for safe disposal.
Your attic is where your seasonal décor goes to collect dust and provide shelter for critters. Since it’s out of the way, it’s no wonder that you haven’t organized your attic since the last spring season. Maximize space in your attic by taking inventory of your belongings and stashing them in pest-proof containers. Maintaining a clean attic space will make all of the difference the next time you have to rummage around up there.
 Final Thoughts
Every home looks different, and every woman has a unique method to her organizational routine. However, knowing about commonly missed areas will help you maintain a tidy space. You can easily tackle even the most overwhelming home projects now that you know what to look out for.
- How to Declutter Your Kitchen a Day the Best Way?
- Top 3 Organizing Habits You Should Practice (Right Now)
- 7 Organizing Habits You Need to Start (Right Now)
- You’ll Probably forgot to organize these too!