First Date Tips for Women

First Date Tips for Women | City of Creative Dreams

No matter how old you are, the first date is something that pulls you out of your comfort zone and fills your stomach with those tiny butterflies. And since you are reading this, I assume you are a little bit nervous right now, right? First of all, note that being nervous is completely normal, however, you shouldn’t allow it to consume you. Follow these tips and you’ll have nothing to worry about.


What should I wear?

First Date Tips for Women | City of Creative Dreams

Of course, you have to try to look your best for that first date if you consider that guy as your potential boyfriend/husband/father of your children. But the important part is not to overdo your look. The equation is quite simple actually – hide the flaws, and show off your best assets. But again, that doesn’t mean that if you have, let’s say, beautiful breasts, you should put on a J-Lo style dress, no.

Pick your clothes depending on the venue – you aren’t going to wear your LBD if you are going on a movie date, and you won’t put on jeans and a tee if you are going on a dinner date.

And when it comes to hair and makeup, the first date doesn’t require an hour-long hairdresser session (unless the venue does); just make sure your hair is clean and neat and your makeup is simple and flattering. Also, a little bit extra of that special perfume of yours never killed nobody.



The most important thing about the first date is to stick to positive topics ONLY. Sure, you may have a couple of disagreements when it comes to religious or political views, but there is no need for fighting or being sarcastic, you know. If there are disagreements about something you feel passionate about, the smartest choice would be to simply change the subject.


Being personal

First Date Tips for Women | City of Creative Dreams

Sure, it is cute to share some funny details from your life, but there’s no need to reveal everything. Trust me, he doesn’t care about that time you and your friends got drunk and flirted with club security. Keep it mysterious and classy, make him wonder.


Asking questions

In order to keep the conversation going and to overall keep it interesting, you have to show some interest towards him. However, have in mind that you are not interviewing him and that all the questions you are asking should flow naturally. You care what kind of a person he is, not what he does for a living. Ask him about his hobbies, his favorite music, funny childhood memories etc. This way you will connect on a much deeper level much faster than you usually would.


Boundaries have to exist

First Date Tips for Women | City of Creative Dreams

This is your life, and everything you do is your own choice. That being said, have in mind that you are the one who decides what you can and what you cannot take. There is no need to accept everything he proposes. As a man, he will probably test his luck, but don’t blame him for that – if you are not feeling comfortable with the next step, politely let him know. And please, try not to sleep with him on the first date, no matter the chemistry. This is simply one of the key first date tips that will stick around for eternity. Even though it is such a cliché, he will respect you more, not because of the act itself, but because of your ability to stick to your own boundaries and your self-respect in the first place.


Venue matters

You don’t know each other well enough for one of you to decide on the venue. If you want to have a good time, you both have to participate in planning. An important aspect is what you want from that date. If you want quality 1 on 1 conversation, go with a dinner date. However, if fun is your priority, go to an amusement park, bowling, hiking or bike riding.


Always be yourself

First Date Tips for Women | City of Creative Dreams

Trust me, men know if you are fake. What they love are women who are open, honest, and confident enough to honestly show interest. After all, you are reading this to impress him, and you are going on that date because you like him, there’s no need to fake anything.


Hold the booze

A drink or two just to loosen up is perfectly fine. But keep it on that level. You don’t want him to see you as an alcoholic, right?

That would be it. Did these tips help you? Do you have some more you would like to share? Let me know.
Guest post courtesy of Diana Smith.

Hi, I am Diana Smith. I am a full-time mom of two beautiful girls interested in home decor and latest DIY projects. On my free time, I enjoy exercising and preparing healthy meals for my family. Follow me on Twitter and Google+
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