Fight the allergies this summer! This is something every person with allergies should know, and if you are new to this world, we are glad to help. If you want to properly look forward to the hot weather along with everyone else, you need to have a strategy. A good strategy will get you through the season without major issues and it will feel like a breeze.
Fight the Allergies This Summer: 7 Tips You Need to Know
Prepare for the season

In preparation for the allergy season, you should visit your doctor and a pharmacy to get the medicines you need. Taking your allergy medicine before the season starts will help you strengthen your body, your immune system, and fight the allergens. Also, prepare an emergency stash including items such as eye-drops, an epi-pen, or an inhaler.
Don’t forget to include the clothing which is essential. There is a number of allergies which does not allow the patients to wear short sleeves and shorts. Make sure the clothes are light but with long sleeves. Also, accessories such as sunglasses and hats are very helpful.
Watch what you eat

If you are allergic to food, obviously avoid your allergens. However, even for those without food allergies, avoiding dairy products during the season could help lower production of mucus. This is helpful and important if you are battling a congested nose. Also, certain items of food can cause a cross-reaction with your allergens and you should stay away from them.
On the other hand, there are items you should definitely introduce to your menu during the season. These are rich in quercetin which naturally reduces histamine reactions, vitamin C, bromelain which is good against asthma, natural probiotics, and local honey which will have the purpose of preparing your body for the pollen in your area.
Clean your home regularly

A clean home will provide a comfort zone during the season of allergies. Since stuffy rooms can cause even more problems, you have to air them. On dry, warm days you should only open your windows or go outside in the evenings and from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, though this is when you should stay away from the sun.
Open windows can let the pollen and other allergens in and these tiny particles will stick to your furniture and your carpets. In order to avoid this, try cleaning as often as you get a chance. It would not hurt to do some basic vacuuming and dusting daily. Also, if you are the one with the allergies, perhaps find someone to help you when cleaning carpets and furniture as it may free the allergens into the air. The best vacuum cleaner to use is the one with a HEPA filter. Wearing a dust mask could also help.
Watch the cleaning products
Provided that you read the ingredients carefully, perhaps the best option is using green cleaning products. They are meant to be good for both you and the environment. However, make sure that they are in fact completely natural and that they do not include any of your allergens. Avoid using aerosols and air fresheners, as well as cleaning products with strong odors. Look up recipes for cleaning products which are easily made from common household items such as baking soda, lemon juice, oil, and vinegar.
Use water as protection
First of all, dehydration can cause an increase in histamine production, which we have learned is responsible for allergic reactions. This is why you should drink enough water and keep your body hydrated. Also, have a shower whenever you come home to remove any pollen particles you may have on your skin.
If it is not too much to ask, wash your hair before bed to keep your pillow allergen-free. Speaking of the pillow, use bed covers to keep your beddings free of any airborne allergens. Change your clothes every time you come home, and wash the ones you have just taken off. Make sure that you do not dry them outside as pollen can stick to them and find its way into your home.
Fight sources of allergies in your home
You should certainly, first of all, take care of any pests in your home. Also, if you come across any signs of water damage, deal with it immediately as this can be perfect soil for mold. Avoid using electric fans as they may encourage circulation of airborne allergens in the air. Using an AC may be a safer choice.
Most of the widely available split airconditioning systems are quite easy to clean which is essential as otherwise, they could be a great source of allergens such as mold, built-up pollen, pet dander, dust mites etc. Similarly to the vacuum cleaner, it is highly recommended to use HEPA filters with ACs where possible.
Allergy-free gardening

There is no need to abandon gardening as a hobby only because you are prone to allergies. The important thing is knowing as much as you can about your allergy and its triggers. First of all, have someone else do the lawn mowing and leaf-raking for you. Find recommendations for plants you can use in the garden without fearing the allergies. Still, please make sure to always wear long sleeves, gloves, and hats if you are allergic to insects and sunlight.
As a final piece of advice to fight the allergies, we will stress again the importance of knowing your allergy inside out. Analyze your body and its reactions. This will help you avoid the hassle of making the same mistakes twice.
Contributed courtesy of Neil White.
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