I thought about buying a Evenflo Breathable Carrier so that I could go around the house and get things down while having my son on me. I bought my Evenflo Breathable Carrier from Walmart for $24.97 online. Personally, I like to always I have my items shipped to my door for two reasons. One: I don’t drive so it saves me from having to go on the bus or having someone bring me to the store. Two: It is a little hard to store everything I want to get in a stroller sometimes.
I tried Evenflo Breathable Carrier with my son and he loves it because he is a very curious little guy like most babies are. It fits nicely in my baby bag so whenever we go out I can bring it out if necessary. You can position your baby either facing towards you or away from you. It even has a removable bib.
If you want to see more products than you should check out my product review page. There are many things that I have tried for my son. I basically share everything when it came to having a baby. I thought others would benefit from hearing my experience on products that most parents grab at the store.
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