Those fun creative commercials got me again, this time with EOS Lip Balm. Oh yeah, I am talking about the Evolution of Smooth today. Little did I know that these cute popular little lip balm balls are 95% organic and 100% natural. Woohoo! I love myself some natural products!
Today I am going to review their Summer Fruit Lip Balm. I bought mine from Dollarama for $3.00! But I have been seeing this product pretty much everywhere.

There is no wonder why this company is called Evolution of Smooth, its the truth! This lip balm has to be the most smooth lip balm I have ever used.
It graces my lips evenly, there is really no point of applying it as much as I do, but I just enjoy putting this lip balm on. It is also pretty cool walking around with this in my hand. I also have one in my work vest… (and the cream too but that is a review for another time).
