To have a duvet finished you must have matching pillows with the fabric matching. Alright you don’t have to but I wanted to but since I transformed curtains into a duvet, it leaves me without pillow cases to go with them and some extra fabric, believe it or not.
No fear, I have a solution that make pillowcases that go with the duvet I sewed together with still using left over fabric from the curtains. It doesn’t take much to transform a pillowcase and give it a little update so it will be a pretty simple task especially if you know how to use a sewing machine. (I say that as if I am a pro… but I am not… I am still learning.)
I bought these white pillowcases from Dollarama fro $2.00. I know, white is a risky choice with having a toddler but I have two extra pillowcase that I originally bought for the pillow cozy project that I was creating for my sister’s top bunk. Why not use them right?
There is little loops on my curtain fabric so I cut them off.
Using the fabric from the curtains (the fabric that would have been used to hold the turns open) I pinned it to the top of the opening part of the white pillowcase. Since the curtain fabric was already sewed together it saved me from having to do that myself.
I pinned only the top and side of the pillowcase. All the places that I am going to be sowing.
Then it is time to put the foot to the peddle. Actually it took longer than I wanted to sow. I ran out of the bobbin thread and forgot the write down the instructions on how to refill or even loop the thing. Spent a long of Youtube time searching for how to do it. I finally found something and learned how. After all that I was finally ready to use the sowing machine.
After sewing the sides of both pillowcases they were finally done.
I love how it looks like it actually came with the duvet.
I think these pillowcases need a simple saying on it like ‘good morning beautiful‘ or ‘mine‘. Until I figure out what I want my pillows to say I will enjoy a my sleep on my new pillows.
I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative week!

That is a great idea and no panicking about not having matching cases. Thanks!
Thank you so much for commenting Bobbi 🙂 I agree, now there is no panicking.
That's cute,and a great way to tie them together!
Thank you Stephanie!