We have survived an entire month of school. I thought I would find some kind of craft that my little man and I could do together over the weekend. I was inspired by the kid’s craft that was held at the Michaels Craft store one Saturday. I really like the idea of turning your hands into a tree. I have always seen it done with paper but thought the idea of using felt would be a nice changed. We don’t get to do crafts together as often as I would like, however, decided to make the extra time. Here is how I made this DIY autumn kids hand tree.

First, I cut the tan color felt in half. I got my little man to place his hand down flat on the felt and traced the outside of his hand. Once done, I extended the lines from his hand until it met the edge of the felt sheet.

Cut out the arm drawing. Place the hand onto a separate sheet of felt preferably one that is firmer that the regular sheet of felt, since it is going to be working as your background. You can create the background as you wish with blue sky and yellow sun, even add grass.

I bought gold and a lighter shimmer color sheets of cardstock. It cost less than $3.00 for it plus I only need one of each for this project.

Flip the cardstock over and use a pen or pencil to drawn out leaves and cut out the leaves.

This is my son’s favorite part. He loves getting to use the glue to at to the leaves and placing it onto his fingers on his picture.

We added some felt orange and green leaves as well. It turned out very cute. My son is very proud of his work and so am I. It is never easy to keep this little guy focused on a project but we got through it. Who knew that little hands could grow into an autumn tree?
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