With the exception of the arrival of your children, your wedding day is likely to be one of the most meaningful, memorable events of your life. If you and your future spouse have decided to eschew the traditional combination of a church wedding followed by a catered reception. A destination wedding may be your best choice. Whether your budget is small because you have decided to marry quickly or you simply would prefer to save the cash for your honeymoon. Getting married in a beautiful, exotic or highly entertaining locale is possible on a shoestring budget.

Choosing a Destination
While many people dream of escaping to Hawaii to get married. Those trying to make their nuptials happen without breaking the bank may want to consider sticking closer to home. For example, couples from the Midwest may opt to head to Chicago, Indianapolis or even one the incredible beaches that surround the Great Lakes. Each of these places possesses their own unique charm. And for couples who do not have to travel a significant distance to reach them can get married with plenty of money left to enjoy the city, take a honeymoon or even set up their new home together.

Making Your Plans
Once you have selected a place to get married. You will need to determine whether you would like to plan something sweet and impromptu or work with the professionals to create the destination wedding that you have always wanted. Both approaches have benefits and pitfalls, making it important to weigh the decision carefully.
Sweet, impromptu weddings can take place almost anywhere and at virtually any time of the day or night. This choice is great for couples who want to get married in a city that they love. Spend a few days and head home to begin their new life together. Many soon-to-be married couples head to places like New York City, Chicago or Los Angeles for weddings like these.

A true destination wedding typically sends the couple and a few of their closest friends and family members to the coast. A spectacular Vermont inn or a city that truly knows how to have a good time, like Las Vegas. Try searching for “wedding getaways in Vegas” or “wedding packages in Atlantic City” for an exciting escape wedding; most packages can be customized to fit even the smallest of wedding budgets.