Have you thought about your shower routine aesthetic? Whether you’re just looking for new ways to relax or want to turn your shower routine into something special, an aesthetically pleasing shower experience is the perfect way to do so. Today I am going to share how to create a peaceful atmosphere and get tips to create ultimate relaxation and self-care.
Soothing Sounds
I for one love the soothing sounds of water, whether that is ocean waves or rain. Think about adding sounds to your shower routine, it can help create a more calming and peaceful atmosphere. Whether you choose natural sounds, like trickling water or chirping birds, or some gentle instrumental music, it can instantly elevate the atmosphere and make for an even more enjoyable experience.
Candles and Essential Oils

Next, lets set the perfect scene for your shower routine, try adding aromatherapy candles and essential oils. Believe it or not, different scents can help create different moods – relaxing lavender, energizing citrus, or soothing eucalyptus, to name a few.
I personally love the lavender essential oil after a stressful day or when going to bed. So pick a scent that best suits your needs. Add a few drops to your diffuser and you are on your way to a calming scent. You can also rotate the entries in your essential oil diffuser each week for variety.
Incorporate a Face Steam for Added Benefits

I am adding this one to my list more often. Nothing says a luxury shower routine more than a face steam. Refreshing face steam will open up your pores, allowing you to remove dirt and sebum more effectively.
It can also help tone and hydrate your skin, relieve congestion, and reduce sinus pressure. For added benefits, and to really make this better, add a few drops of essential oils or herbs like rosemary, peppermint or lavender to the water before pouring it over your face. You will love it!
Press Play on your Playlist

Before stepping into your shower, don’t forget to put on some music. Music has the power to lift your spirits by making you dance or sing and it can also help you relax. Create a personalized selection of songs based on genres or artist themes that you’re interested in.
If peaceful vibes are what you are seeking, look no further than choosing simple instruments like harps, flutes, soft violins and melodic pianos that evoke an atmosphere of serenity. It doesn’t have to be the classical genre but even your favourite songs in instrumental. Lastly, add these songs by creating a “Spa Playlist” so it’s ready to go.
Final Thoughts
I hope you’re ready to take your shower routine aesthetic to the next level! I love getting to show you how to create the perfect atmosphere for ultimate relaxation and self-care. Tell me, what is in your routine?
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