So a little birdy told me that you want to contact me (aka Shanice Bannis)... well you have come to the right place! Want to say hello, ask a question or collaborate together? That is awesome, I want to hear it all!
*Please read Guest Post Guidelines & Frequently Asked Questions.*
There are endless of things to talk about, but first, it all starts with an email to me. Fill out the box below and send me an email. I can't wait to meet you!
Still Deciding?

About Contacting Me
I try my best to respond asap, however, life happens and I am only human so at least give me 24-48 hours. Either way, I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Yes, I do! Feel free to contact me and I will send you my media kit. If you want to know about what I have been featured in, companies I have collaborated with or been interviewed on check out my Press Page!
There are many ways we can work together, feel free to check out my Services page for more details.

About Guest Posting
Yes, I accept a guest posts & guest articles from time to time but... I am NOT accepting new guest posts right now.
Currently NOT accepting.
Please have this information in your email: list me a couple of ideas and I will pick my favourite OR if possible send in your article and I can review to see if it is a good fit for my site.
Note: Don't forget to review that your article meets my site Guest Post Guidelines before sending me anything.
If I do not choose your article, don't give up, you can always try again!
You can write about anything similar to what I write. Home and Garden, Home Improvement, Wellness, Health Tips, DIY, Wedding and so on.
Note: If you are writing on behalf of a company you will need to email me for pricing.
At least 500 - 1,800 words. More is fine too! Please check out my Guest Post Guidelines page for more details.