Welcome May! Welcome everybody! Can you believe that it is the first party of the month already. This whole entire month went by real quick. I finally have my air conditioning up and ready to go so you know the weather has been pretty great this week. I hope you had a chance to party with us last week there was many great posts and you still can check it out. Also (if you haven’t already done so) enter for the Ultimate Cash Giveaway. Join me and other bloggers for your chance to win $500! Don’t wait until it is too late. Now let’s party! Link, Share and Check out this week’s features!

Frozen Yogurt Popsicle – A Cowboy’s Life

Crochet Jar – Over The Apple Tree

DIY Blanket Ladder – Emily Franceschini

Red Velvet Cheesecake Cake – All That’s Jas

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Visit Shanice @ City of Creative Dreams’s profile on Pinterest.
I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative weekend!

Thank you so much for hosting one of the loveliest links ups around!
Aww your welcome Suzie 🙂
Aw, thank you, sweetie, for featuring my red velvet cheesecake! You made my day! I'm off to check out other features but before I do I want to squeeze those cute baby cheeks. He is adorable! Thanks for hosting and have an amazing weekend!
😀 Thank you Jas! Aren't baby cheeks the best! Wish it could last forever ;D
I'm so excited to have my crochet jar featured this week! Thank you so much Shanice!
Your so welcome Laura! Have a awesome weekend!
Thanks for the great features & for hosting & God bless!
Your welcome Laurie! have a great weekend!