Yesterday was National Frozen Yogurt Day. I admit that I am a yogurt lover and when you make frozen yogurt it is beyond yummy. Do you have a list of recipes that you have to one day create? I do too! It is right on my Pinterest page. It is those photos that reel you […]
6 Incredible Tips and Tricks for Your Child’s Lunch Box

One thing I know for sure about school is most kids get tired of having the same old, boring sandwich. I know this more than anything because I was that kid a long time ago. No one wants the same thing over and over again and it gets tough having to think about other alternates […]
6 Best Outstanding Popsicles Out There

It is hot out there! Hot is seriously an understatement since I can literally see people melting into a puddle of sweat. I have been pretty cool in my air conditioning workplace and cool subway transit but at home, my medium size fan doesn’t always do the trick. The only think that can make me […]
11 Fruity Popsicles to Keep You Cool This Summer

Has the temperature been heating up? Mine too! Summer vacation is here and I for one are in need of a cool treat. Nothing is better than a sweet cool popsicle treat! Popsicles have changed from your typical throw juice into a container and place it into the freezers, lately, I have been seeing a […]
7 Delicious Dinner Recipes Perfect For Summer

The weather is steamy and so are these selected dishes. You can dive into some delicious recipes that you won’t get enough of plus with the added bonus of being able to make your friends and family jealous in the meantime. These are great for those who love to look like a professional cook when […]
PC Organic Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Snack

Last week I shared with you a snack that I give my toddler son called PC Organic Mixed Berry Carrot Fruit Bars. This week I thought I would share its cousin, PC Organic Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Snacks. My son loves blueberries so I thought he would enjoy this snack too since it has blueberries in it […]
PC Organic Toddler Fruit Bars

Since President’s Choice (Superstore Brand) started to make changes to their brand and overall health of their store, their products have become more interesting to me. I love that they have decided to take artificial colors out and want more organic, local products being sold. That is what I want and that is what I […]
PC Sparkling Fruit Juice
Spring! Spring! Spring is finally here and with that comes grabbing a nice cold drink. I never been an alcohol kind of person… could be that I never found one that suits my taste buds or maybe I just don’t like it but I never had the urge to explore it however one drink I […]
Natural Energy Boosting Molasses Drink
Everyone has their morning routines mine comes with a cup of blackstrap molasses. Yes, you hear that right. Let me say this right, I don’t drink a whole cup of blackstrap molasses but it does make an appearance on a spoon. Mornings are not my favorite but we all have to get up for many […]