With three kids sharing a bedroom, I need a toys solution. I know first hand that the toys will not make it where it is supposed to be. It goes everywhere on the floor and under the bed, on the sides of the bed. It can be a nightmare. If your kids are anything similar […]
Organizing archives for my home organizing blog filled with ways to organizing your home, home organizing ideas, organizing tips and home organizing hacks. Learn to keep your home clutter-free. This is the best spot to learn how to organize your life, your home, your kitchen, and more.
Slim Storage Basket For Baby
Slim storage for baby. That is what we are discussing today. Life lately has been busy of course now my son has moved from crawling to walking. Such a cute site watching him proud stumbling around but now he is getting into everything and I mean everything he can get his little hands on. I […]
Organizing Bookshelves
Organizing bookshelves can be a hassle sometimes. I decided to organize the living room bookshelf because I was tired with what it looked like before. So I did all the things you have done a billion times before, especially if you have kids then you know that your bookshelf may not always be the most […]
Microsoft’s OneNote Review
Microsoft’s OneNote Review. Did I mention that I love Microsoft’s OneNote! When I got my laptop I stumbled across the program from Microsoft called OneNote 2010. I absolutely love this program. If you have it and haven’t used it. You should! I use it for pretty much everything. It organized all that I need. I […]
Avery Square Labels: Creating Drawer Lables
I have been working on today’s project for this post using Avery square labels. Today, I thought I would be finished a lot earlier but you know how it is with a baby. You don’t have much say on when you can get a break to get things done. I hear ya but I am […]
Storing Stories Organizing Binder
Do you have a young writer in your family? Then you are going to need a way for storing stories. Some teachers have the kids write stories or poems for class and throughout the years they start to pile up. You want to keep it these masterpieces but where and how? I am going to […]
How to Keep Your Finances Organized
Let’s talk about how to keep your finances organized! As busy parents or individuals, we need to take the time to keep our papers in order and not just chuck it in a drawer. As a new parent, I find late nights not partying but up with my crying son because those teeth are coming […]
How to Organize your Garment Drawer
It is time to organize your garment drawer! Stop digging for your garments at the top of your drawers. Do it look like your clothes just exploded and you can’t find a single sock to save your life? I hear you. I mean where do all the socks go? You may be thinking about your […]
Family Bulletin Board
So Yesterday, I was working most of the day on this family bulletin project. Well, maybe I should say all day because I had to stop so many times because my son needed my attention. I have learned that “needed my attention” is just code for I had to feed, change or put my son […]
Kids Schedule
Kids schedule! Who is in need of one. I won’t lie, just like you, I am hitting the snooze button. There is good news though, to us spending a little time together. Getting your kids on a schedule is no easy process but then it is accomplished then it feels so good. Kid schedules dims the constant […]
Homework Organizer
Homework organizer time! Are you expecting this or has this already happen to you this year? “I have homework somewhere in my backpack” and after a handful of digging and when almost everything is pulled out, the homework it looks as if someone crunched it up in a snowball. Yeah, those are the days but […]
Report Card Organizer
Report card organizer. Are you the type who saves all of your child’s report cards? Well, my son currently is way to young to go to school at the moment but I have a report card organizer. Huh? Why would I have a report card organizer then? I actually have been saving my report cards […]
The Best Tutorial to Create the Easiest DIY Cardboard Drawer Dividers Ever
Want to know how to make DIY cardboard drawer dividers? There are many different ways that you can divide your clothing in your dresser. Cardboard dresser drawer dividers are a great tool to use to keep drawers organized. It keeps your clothing in line and not tumbling over in your drawer. We have all seen […]
Declutter Your DVDs
Today I am going to show you have to declutter your DVDs. With kids comes favorite movies that they must have and then that pile gets added to every once in a while or, at least, every month. I hear you.  All those DVD cases can take up space. Today, I am going to show you […]
Kid Closet Hanger Divider
Have you shared a closet with your siblings before? Then you know that the clothing can easily get mixed up. Kid closet hanger divider is the perfect solution for children who share a closet with siblings. It also saves you from wondering who this shirt belongs too and keeps everyone things in their places. My siblings share […]