It is finally time! I can show you around my new living room. If you want to hear more about the old living room and the plans that got me to this point, you should check out my living room makeover plan. For now, check out my reveal! Living Room Before/After Huge difference, don’t […]
Around The Home
Living Room Makeover

My living room is in dire need of a makeover. We have been in this apartment for maybe seven or so years and to me as much as I have tried to make it alright looking. It just never sat right with me. As the years gone by we just lived with it […]
How to Create a Easy Beautiful Kids Bedroom Wall Garden

Around this time last year, I created a garden style wall monogram for my littlest sister’s wall above her bed. I love it to pieces but it was lacking something. It was missing something and well I couldn’t figure it out right away. It seemed very lonely regardless of the poster and bubble bee art […]
Kids Bedroom Wall Update

When I see a decor problem at home, I have to fix it. I walked into my sibling’s bedroom and saw this wall that just looked horrendous to me and I had to give it some love. If I didn’t then I would have to stare at it every time I went in. Since this […]
Spring Cleaning – Living Room Bookshelf Reveal

I love sharing sneak peaks to my latest projects before the big reveal like I did for the awesome family charge station I created but wait no longer because it is finally time and I can’t wait for you to see it the reveal of this living room bookcase. Of course, you have to see […]
Spring Cleaning – Living Room Bookshelf Plan

There a problem spot in my apartment that drives me insane and that is my living room bookshelf. It is a dumping spot for everyone in the family. It is one of those ‘do you have something in your hand that you don’t know where to put it’ kind of spots. Yeah. you can mostly […]
Bedroom Makeover Reveal

My bedroom makeover is done! Last week, I share with you the plan for my bedroom and I could not wait to share with you the result. I was in well-need of a new refresh to my room. I was looking a little like the age people think I am instead of the young women […]
Bedroom Makeover Plan

Things are about to change! This year, I have been on the need for change (not the change I always want to do like highlights in my hair which never happens) but a change of furniture in my bedroom. Now, stubborn me (yes I admit I can be stubborn) does not like change all the […]
My New Kitchen

My kitchen wasn’t something to show off before. It was a little older than your standard kitchens with off white cabinet doors and old brownish counter top. You can tell that it had been then from the time the building was built however it did its job. Until we noticed that the faucet section was […]
Little Adjustments: IKEA Bookcase to Custom Closet

Things can need a little adjustment. I loved my IKEA Hack: Bookcase to Custom Closet that I created for my son. With time, the closet started to look very unorganized. I realized that my design could do with two adjustments. All I need to do is lower the first shelf and bring up the last […]
Son’s Big Boy Wall

With all the work that I have been doing around the apartment, I hadn’t noticed that my son’s wall by his bed still looked the same as when he was born. As much as I hate to admit it, my son is no longer that little baby, but a growing toddler (he will forever be […]
How to Make a Beautiful Simple Tween Sitting Nook & Tent

My little sister is at the tween stage. She is 12 years old and before we know it she will have hit the teenage stage. We all need our own space, for us, that is very hard with so much us living in a three bedroom apartment. My mission is to come up with way […]
Bathroom Re-Organizing

Time for bathroom re-organizing! This summer was the queen of makeovers at my place. I was determined to have everything finished and looking great! With all the decluttering and donating going on, it was only necessary to give the place a full on makeover. The bathroom has been a spot I wanted to really just […]
Pantry Section Reveal

Wait no more because the time is finally here. I know you have been dying to see the reveal of the pantry section. Thank you to everyone who left me such wonderful comments on my plan and progress posts for this project. It went from a dream plan to progress to a result. I have been […]
Pantry Section Progress

What I can say about this pantry section progress so far is that it is tiring me out lol. I feel a little overworked and that is all because I have been overworking myself. Three trips to IKEA in total! Two in one day, then helping to build this pantry. It was a long day […]