2018 it is time to say goodbye! Cheers to that! Are you ready for a new year? The year seriously has gone fast but let’s face it, I say that every year. I bet you do too. It is just something we all say every year to signify how time seemed to be going at warp speed. […]
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5 Best Cheer Up Gifts For Stressed Friends

We all have been there, work feels draggy, kids are driving you to the madhouse, bills are piling up and you start feeling like you are in an endless twister of things circling around you. Some rush to the big bottle of wine when the kids are sleeping, some binge watch television shows on the […]
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The Best of 2016

It is almost 2017! But like every year, we cannot kick off the new year until we do our own very own countdown of the best and most popular posts of this present year. Now I have to admit that this year has not been filled with as many crafts, recipes or post as much […]
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Easy Blue Stone Sedona Bracelet

I am trying something out of my ordinary. I love jewelry, I am a rather simple girl when it comes to it and I am not too fancy or expensive. I just like good stylish jewelry that suits me and my taste. Lastly, I have been creating ideas for jewelry, I thought I would take a dive […]
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DIY Icy Blue Clip On Earrings

I have a very good friend who doesn’t have her ears pierced so I thought I would create some earrings that did not look old but youthful and fun. This is the first time that I am taking a dive in the jewelry making world. It has been on my list of things to try […]
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On the Go PECS Visual Aids

One of my friends uses PECS with her son so I thought I would try it out with my son since I get the meltdowns and tantrums like any other parent who has a three-year-old. It is never easy to deal with so why not give other things a try to reduce it. My son […]
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5 Super Cute Back to School Teacher Gifts

Can you hear the school bells ringing? I am not ready for my little man to be going to school. He is still my baby but I love the idea of giving your teacher a gift and to start young is even better. I used to give my teacher a gift at the end of […]
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4 Ways to Have An One of a Kind Child Backpack

Not so crafty in order to make your child his/her backpack? That is okay! Sometimes money is tight or your child’s backpack is not worn out, you don’t want to throw out a perfectly fine backpack nor does your child want to use to same one again or you just want some ideas to spice […]
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How to Start a Awesome DIY Child Backpack

Back to school time is fast approaching and some of you are thinking…. I want my little one to have a backpack that is different then what every parent is buying at the stores. Then this is for you, you may think that you don’t have the time to make a custom backpack for your […]
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How to Make A Buddha Board Case

Today, I am sharing my how-to guide to making my case cover for the product Buddha Board over at Guidecentral. It was such fun to get to work with Buddha Board and Guidecentral for this product. I have never used this product before and loved learning all about it, that is why I had to […]
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2015 Year Review

We have said goodbye to 2015. I already took a moment to do a countdown of the most popular posts of 2015 to gear up for 2016. You can check out that post above. Now I thought I would reflect on the year that just past in order to more forward to this year’s posts. […]
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The Best of 2015

Say Goodbye to 2015 and Hello to 2016! Can you believe that we are already heading into a new year? Time sure went by fast. As usual, it is going to take me a few days or even months to remember to change the year when I write down any date. Even though that happens […]
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How To Get A Perfect French Manicure

Being a busy working mom, I don’t have time to really treat myself to all the glam and sparkle of doing my nails. I either get interrupted when doing my nails or it just never gets near the top of my to-do list. I do enjoy looking at my nails and seeing it look pretty […]
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No Sew Crayon Pouch Holder

Who has a child with a box of crayons? I do! I have noticed that crayon boxes break so easily and get bent out of shape so I thought it was time to make a no sew crayon pouch holder that doesn’t mind handling the bumps of living with a toddler son. I wish I […]
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Tween (or Pretween) First Period Essentials

There comes a time in every girl’s life when we, you know, have that time of the month for the first time. That is right, we are talking about how to prepare your child for her period. “Woah! Hold on… I am not ready for that right now.” Or “I still have years until then” […]