Spring is all about the cleaning and one of my go to cleaners for laundry is Honest’s Oxy Boost packs. I usually add one of these and one of my laundry pods into the washer. I love that these are natural yet gives your clothes what it needs in terms of cleaning. Just like the laundry pods, […]
Natural Products
Honest Super Pads Review

You are about to get up into my business because I am sharing my views about Honest Company super pads. Why? I said I would give it another chance and I did. I still love all the same good sources and ingredients like I have with the regular pads. It is still lightweight, thin, super absorbent […]
Honest Lavender Deodorant

The Honest Company Deodorant Spray that I had been using before (sage scented) was not really something that I wanted to wear all the time. It did its job but I was feeling for a scent that wasn’t as strong. I am a vanilla scented type of girl so when I heard that Honest finally added on […]
Honest Laundry Packs

Forget using laundry liquid soap anymore because pods are the new thing in the laundry world. I wasn’t sure about the whole pod trend but once, I started to use Honest’s 4 in 1 laundry packs I could not stop. Using the pods (or packs as they call it) gives busy you the freedom of […]
Honest Facial Wipes

Wearing makeup on the regular has become no existent, but when I do I make sure to use these very great facial wipes before bed, to take out the long day I had. These soft natural Honest Company facial wipes are not greasy at all, they take off dirt, makeup and more. You can be […]
EOS (Evolution Of Smooth) Lip Balm

Those fun creative commercials got me again, this time with EOS Lip Balm. Oh yeah, I am talking about the Evolution of Smooth today. Little did I know that these cute popular little lip balm balls are 95% organic and 100% natural. Woohoo! I love myself some natural products! Today I am going to review […]
Honest Regular Pads Review

Sorry to be getting so personal everyone, and for any guys who stop by my blog and saw this, sorry ahead of time. I try not to be very girly, for this post I have no choice. It’s just a something sadly all girls, teens, tween and women go through. I was a little hesitate […]
Honest Lavender Air Freshener Spray

Warm Lavender scent is perfect for Honest Company’s air freshener. I was in dire need of an air freshener that was natural and thought that it was time to check this one out. I know that lavender is also great for relaxing or calming someone so having it in an air freshener is smart. It […]
PC Organic Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Snack

Last week I shared with you a snack that I give my toddler son called PC Organic Mixed Berry Carrot Fruit Bars. This week I thought I would share its cousin, PC Organic Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Snacks. My son loves blueberries so I thought he would enjoy this snack too since it has blueberries in it […]
PC Organic Toddler Fruit Bars

Since President’s Choice (Superstore Brand) started to make changes to their brand and overall health of their store, their products have become more interesting to me. I love that they have decided to take artificial colors out and want more organic, local products being sold. That is what I want and that is what I […]
Honest Kid’s Mulit-Vitamins

Honest product review time! It has been a while since I have done one. Today I will be talking about the Honest Company’s kids muli-vitamins. I bought this for my son. Like most kids, he is a growing boy that needs all the vitamins to keep his body healthy and running. I bought this along with […]
Honest Company’s Women’s Complete One A Day
I am back with Honest Company’s Women’s Complete One A Day. It was time to get healthier and this is the perfect way to start. If you haven’t noticed already, I love the Honest Company so writing this review is a breeze. (Note: this is an older review, therefore the packaging or product may be […]
St Ives Face Soap Review
I have been trying out this St Ives Apricot Face Soap for about a month now. I bought it at Dollarama for $2.00 and thought why not try something different? At the time I was using the hotel bar soaps I have been saving and using. (Oh yeah I am soo serious about that.) This […]
St Ives Coconut Body Lotion
Coconut and Orchid… those two words together make me think that I am laying on a tropical beach somewhere. Waves in the distance and my toes in the sand or me laying down in the beach chair with sunglasses. Oh how I would love that. Well sadly I am not anywhere near that dream but […]
PC Sparkling Fruit Juice
Spring! Spring! Spring is finally here and with that comes grabbing a nice cold drink. I never been an alcohol kind of person… could be that I never found one that suits my taste buds or maybe I just don’t like it but I never had the urge to explore it however one drink I […]