News update! I finally ditched the plastic! Yes, I am plastic-free all thanks to Lisse. I have had my eye on getting this safety razor for a while now. Something was intriguing about not having to go to the store to get a new razor and at this point, I have tried it all. Plus, […]
Natural Body
Young Living Thieves Toothpaste Review

I now know why everyone is raving about thieves. There are so many benefits to thieves, especially with its natural cleaning abilities. So when I saw that Young Living has a thieves toothpaste, I was all able to try it and since then I have never looked back. In fact, this is not firmly apart of […]
Young Living Lavender Body Cream Review

Lavender is my favourite in essential oils, in natural scented items and especially creams. I prefer to get it in soaps and creams the most. It is on my top list when looking for skin care for myself or my son. Reason being, that lavender is calming and relaxing. I have been using the same […]
Honest Kids Gummy Multivitamin

Oh my goodness, I haven’t talked about Honest products for a long time. Today I am talking about one of my son’s favourite products and that is their kid’s multivitamin gummy. Now I talked about these before but that is when they had the hard ones. I made the comment that my son did not […]
Honest Super Pads Review

You are about to get up into my business because I am sharing my views about Honest Company super pads. Why? I said I would give it another chance and I did. I still love all the same good sources and ingredients like I have with the regular pads. It is still lightweight, thin, super absorbent […]
Honest Regular Pads Review

Sorry to be getting so personal everyone, and for any guys who stop by my blog and saw this, sorry ahead of time. I try not to be very girly, for this post I have no choice. It’s just a something sadly all girls, teens, tween and women go through. I was a little hesitate […]
Honest Kid’s Mulit-Vitamins

Honest product review time! It has been a while since I have done one. Today I will be talking about the Honest Company’s kids muli-vitamins. I bought this for my son. Like most kids, he is a growing boy that needs all the vitamins to keep his body healthy and running. I bought this along with […]
Honest Company’s Women’s Complete One A Day
I am back with Honest Company’s Women’s Complete One A Day. It was time to get healthier and this is the perfect way to start. If you haven’t noticed already, I love the Honest Company so writing this review is a breeze. (Note: this is an older review, therefore the packaging or product may be […]
PC Sparkling Fruit Juice
Spring! Spring! Spring is finally here and with that comes grabbing a nice cold drink. I never been an alcohol kind of person… could be that I never found one that suits my taste buds or maybe I just don’t like it but I never had the urge to explore it however one drink I […]
Honest Mouthwash
I am so excited to talk about Honest Products. I been hinting about their new Mouth wash for a while now and I finally ordered it. I have tried it already and I am ready to tell you all about it. With ingredients of organic aloe, organic ginger, bisabolol, organic green tea extract, witch hazel, […]
Honest ToothPastes Adult/ Kids
I am back with some more Honest news. I don’t think I will ever get tired of sharing Honest products with you. This week I am going to talk about their toothpaste for adults and kids. Both I and my mom personally love the adult one and some far one of my sisters say that […]
Honest DHA/ OMega 3

Honest DHA/ OMega 3 review! I have many allergies so I know how difficult to find certain products without ingredients that you are allergic to. Even your vitamins pills could contain something that you are allergic to that you may not know. The Honest Company is a company that I can trust to not have […]
Honestly Natually Amazing

I been excited to tell you about this Honest Company product, now if you are in the states then you probably already have this but for Canadians like me, you are going to love this because we finally get to have this products in Canada! I bought this for… wait that is not right I […]