With all the talk about spring cleaning our homes, our desk and our cars. I thought I would take a moment to talk about spring cleaning ourselves. We don’t put down our vacuums and dusters and stop to think about what we need to clean or declutter within ourselves. Interesting way of thinking about spring cleaning […]
Natural Living
Fun Things to Cross Off Your Bucket List Before 30

Do you have a bucket list? You know the list that you have that you want to do before you die. I prefer to call it a dream list that you have to boost your happiness in your life once you accomplish it. What can I say it sounds more fun when I put it […]
What I’ve Learned About The Perfectionist Method

Perfectionist is something we throw around. It is something that we say often to people or ourselves because we have higher expectations of certain things. Now, I like to talk about my perfectionist quality a lot because it is something I struggled with so much in my younger years and that still creeps up on […]
5 Uplifting Things To Do When You Are Stress

Stress is your worst enemy. It is as if you are hiking up a mountain when a very heavy backpack. However, it happens to everyone, we can run but we really can’t hide from it. There are a few things you need to do when life gets to feel like too much. Today I want […]
Best Essential Oils to Use When You Are Sick

I am all about the trend to not get sick. Are you? No one likes to be sick or feeling unwell. Your nose is running all the time, the tissue is your best friend and your coughing so much that you feel like you coughed up a lung. Ultimately you just feel yucky and icky. […]
Advice for 20 Somethings Out There

If you are 20 something right now, then you are going through a rollercoaster in your life. You could be starting college or finishing it, figuring out what you want in your life or completely freaking out because you feel like you haven’t gotten anywhere in your life. Relax. This is normal. Everything you are […]
Simple Steps to Creating the Minimalist Lifestyle

Living with less is what I strive for every single day, I don’t want the clutter and I don’t need it stressing my life. This is what I try to teach my son because well I can see the stress clutter has on people. I don’t want that mess anymore. Do you? If you are thinking […]
2 Reasons Why Allergy Tests Are Worth It

Who is excited about allergies tests? It was never me however I learned I needed to in order to learn the many things I am allergic to or what I am not allergic to anymore. It’s an interesting experience… you get a poke and then wait to see what itches most. Weird. However, I found […]
How to Live Through A Quarter Life Crisis?

When I first heard about the quarter-life crisis trend, I thought it was a joke. I mean, I heard midlife crisis but when did quarter-life crisis become a thing? I am turning 26 this year and really didn’t think too deeply about it. I felt as fine as I could ever, I mean I am […]
How to Set Achievable Goals this New Year

Every year it is the same question… what is your new year’s resolution? I even find myself asking that question from time to time. Why do we bother? I mean we put so much pressure on ourselves only to find ourselves only dieting for a month or two or having our gym membership card collecting […]
How to Be Your Own Self-Care Boss

Life gets busy my friend so that means we need to pay extra attention to yourselves. Yes, I am talking about self-care. Don’t mix that up with selfish because you are not selfish when you are giving yourself self-love. I am going to say that one more time because saying it twice means it’s important. […]
Good Reasons Why You Should Use Honey On Your Cuts

Honey, we are talking about honey. Whenever my son or I get hurts the first thing I do before putting on a bandage is getting some honey. I always get the reaction, huh Why. I do this because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Don’t worry at first I thought it was ridiculous when I first […]
2 Natural Period Remedies You Need In Your Life

Who loves periods? I don’t! To be honest I don’t know too many people who smile when they do. It’s usually a grunt or an agonizing pain look on their face or maybe I am just talking about me. I can’t stand them but I got to live with them. I prefer not to grab […]
How To Relieve Stress When You’re Hit Your Absolute Lowest

We can’t always see when stress arrives. There is not a flashing sign or phone reminder to inform you. In fact, sometimes it just sneaks up on you. It is that feeling in your body that just does not sit right on you. Such as an uncomfortable sweater or wet clothing in the rain. It […]
How to Slow Down Your Crazy Life, Every Day?

I feel like I am constantly on highways, always on the fast lane and simply moving all the time. There was no delay because I was constantly moving. Always on the go and always doing something at all times. I crowned myself multi-taskers and thought I was slaying everything in my way. No time for resting […]