If you’re looking into ways to transform your home, natural cleaning remedies would be the best way to go about this. Not only is this better for your health, but you’ll also save money too. On top of that, natural ingredients can be great, even if you’re learning how to clean a microwave. So, why […]
Natural Living
The Best Bedtime Routine for Adults: How to Organize a Sleep More Restful

What is the best bedtime routine for adults and how do you organize a sleep more restful? That is what we are going to talk about today. I love that sleep care is the new self-care because getting a night of more restful sleep is so important for adults and yet sometimes forgotten. However, that […]
Five Tips To Improve Your Wellbeing

We all need to look after ourselves, now more than ever. Being comfortable in your skin and mental health is important because there can be many challenges in life that can test you. There are plenty of ways to help improve your wellbeing, so here are five useful tips worth knowing. Spend Time By Yourself […]
Why You Need to Shave with a Safety Razor for Females

News update! I finally ditched the plastic! Yes, I am plastic-free all thanks to Lisse. I have had my eye on getting this safety razor for a while now. Something was intriguing about not having to go to the store to get a new razor and at this point, I have tried it all. Plus, […]
How to Add Meditation to Your Life?

How to add meditation to your life? This is something I had to really think about. I kept thinking it is not for me or I am just too busy but recently I decided to add meditation to my life. It was the best decision I have ever made. Not only am I more relaxed […]
How to Naturally Increase Positivity into Your Home & Life

When we get home from a long day at work or its a weekend, we want to stay in a positive home. So how do you naturally increase positivity in your home? That is what we are going to discuss today. It is very important to be able to come home from a stressful day […]
4 Simple Things To Do When Your Feeling Down

Life to me should be defined, expect the unexpected. We are going to have a great day, the best days and then we are going to have the not so good days and the ultimate worst day. Yes. It’s going to happen but there are 4 simple things to do when your feeling down. To […]
Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Bugs in Your Home

It is not a good feeling to see any form of bugs in your home. It gives you an eww kind of feeling. What are natural ways to rid of bugs naturally? I am going to share that today. Bugs to me are the worst especially when they are in your home. So, what can […]
Do What You Love When Your A Perfectionist

How to do what you love when you’re a perfectionist? If you have to have things a certain way or life needs to go as plan than you know it can be hard to love what you do when you are worried about everything going as planned. Life as a perfectionist is all about controlling […]
What to Look For When Searching For Safe Alternatives

What is in your beauty products? Most people do not know the answer to that question because we fall victim to following the latest trends and what celebrities are using. We assume it is alright for us when, in reality, it is function and popularity over health quantity. The sad reality is that there is […]
How to Fall in Love With Your Eco-Friendly Lifestyle?

How to fall in love with your eco-friendly lifestyle? First, you have to see that you are not the only one doing this. I am loving that companies are embracing sustainability in the workplace and being more eco-friendly in their packaging like oVertone, which is a cruelty-free and vegan hair dye company striving to lower […]
The Best Ways to Make A Mom’s Life Easier

Being a mom is not easy. Whether you still at the baby stage with your children or at that soccer mom stage of being an unpaid uber drive to your kids in between making dinner, laundry, homework and oh did I mention dinner dishes and making lunches. I know there is more than that but […]
How to Master Your Daily Commute To Be More Successful

It is so easy to simply want to sleep, scroll through social media or be nosey on your commute home by bus or train but little did you know that this is the precious opportunity to get things done. It really makes my life easier to have this time blocked off just for me. As […]
How to Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success

Stop for a moment and think about this. Are you sabotaging your own success? We don’t always see what we are doing until we step back and see for ourselves. When we take a moment to really think about it, everyone sabotages themselves in one way or another. So how do you stop sabotaging yourself? I […]
How to Get Out of Your Own Way

It so sad to admit but we get on our own way. It is all about the mindset. We set up so many pinecones and police tape on things that simply get in our way. It is like we create our own traffic of thoughts that only hinder us instead of lifting us. Its straight up nonsense […]