Let’s talk about Thieves essential oil! I have to say that this oil is one of my favourites when it comes to cold and seasonal sicknesses. This is the essential oil that I go to. I recommend it for cleaning the air, your home and well cleaning yourself from those pesky colds. Yes, this is […]
Essential Oils
Best Essential Oils to Use When You Are Sick

I am all about the trend to not get sick. Are you? No one likes to be sick or feeling unwell. Your nose is running all the time, the tissue is your best friend and your coughing so much that you feel like you coughed up a lung. Ultimately you just feel yucky and icky. […]
3 Essential Oil Mistakes to Avoid & How to Correct It

Let’s be real for a moment, there are three essential oil mistakes to avoid. Let us talk about what they are and how we can correct it. We have all been beginners at something which means that we have made some mistakes along that way. I want to save you from mistakes you are currently […]
The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit

Essential oils have received increasing attention over the years for their aromatherapeutic benefits that can enhance health and vitality at a cellular level. These amazing oils are also incredibly versatile, showcasing their value in everything from baking and cooking to cleaning and skin care. Remember that, although these essential oils have many health […]
Useful Things to Know About Essential Oils – Spotlight: Frankincense

Let’s talk about Frankincense essential oil! I have to say that this oil is number one when it comes to inflammation in my eyes. Also, if you need something that is a strong anti-inflammatory then this is the oil for you. I recommend it to friends and coworkers who tell me about things such as […]
Try These 7 Essential Oils To Relieve Arthritis-Related Pain

Today we are going to talk about 7 essential oils To relieve arthritis-related pain. The flexibility, mobility and overall wellbeing of joints in the human body plays a vital part in allowing a person to move freely without pain and other problematic symptoms. Unfortunately, some diseases can affect the joints and cause numerous symptoms to […]
Useful Things to Know About Essential Oils – Spotlight: Copaiba

Let’s talk about copaiba essential oil! I use this oil personally when I have my lower back issues. I started having huge back pains after having my son and tried just about everything to solve the problem. Some things worked and some took way too long to kick in but I wanted something natural and […]
Useful Things to Know About Essential Oils – Spotlight: Lavender

Lavender essential oil is the best! It is hands down my favourite essential oil by far. I love just about everything you can think of in lavender. Lavender creams, air fresheners and more. For my son’s baths, it is a must to have lavender in it because I know that my little man will sleep […]
Useful Things to Know About Essential Oils – Spotlight: Cedarwood

What is one of the top essential oil requests from my family members? It would have to be cedarwood essential oil. That is why I thought about putting together useful things to know about the essential oils article to spotlight cedarwood. When I tell someone about the oil they always like to ask me what […]
Why I Started Using Essential Oils?

Essential Oils! Have you noticed that everyone is using essential oils? I have seen it everywhere… bloggers, moms, and parents… oh my! So, what is so trendy about essential oils? What is making everyone want to talk about it? What is causing people to go bananas over oils and even jumping into a business with […]