Today’s parents usually don’t have time to cook. Moms and dads both have the responsibility of making money to support the family and making sure that the family is well taken care of. With so many roles going on, many parents wonder how to balance work and life responsibilities in this day and age. With […]
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Best Coupon/ Affordable Stores for Back to School Shopping

I can’t believe that summer is coming to an end soon and I have to think about back to school shopping already. Luckily for me, I go to the same store every year. I know what stores have the best prices for my budget and I don’t look anywhere else for anything else. I like […]
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Top 3 Things Kids Should Know Before Kindergarten

What does my child need to know before kindergarten? This question has been floating through my mind for months now. I am still in shock by the fact that my son is even going to kindergarten this September. I thought I had more time I mean I swear he was born yesterday but no, it is […]
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5 Tips to Survive Potty Training on the Road

So your little one has made it to the end of that potty training journey. It may have been a long time to get there but you guys finally made it and conquered it… at home. Which is fantastic but what about when you have to take that potty training on the road? Then what? […]
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Best Potty Solution Ever for a Stubborn Child

Now if you have been following along, potty training for me turned no existent. I mean we got to the destination, he was telling me “mommy I have to go potty” and we would rush there, he would go and in return get a new small toy car. That day was the best day ever. […]
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Living With Autism – Entry 1

I was going to start by saying “it all started on this day“. I was going to say it, however, looking back there were signs flashing for my little sister that we didn’t see or was even aware of. We ultimately drove past it and continued down the road of “She is just young“, “Why […]
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Tween (or Pretween) First Period Essentials

There comes a time in every girl’s life when we, you know, have that time of the month for the first time. That is right, we are talking about how to prepare your child for her period. “Woah! Hold on… I am not ready for that right now.” Or “I still have years until then” […]
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Finding Yourself As A Mom

Finding yourself, in general, is what people my age go through in their twenties. You are finding the confidence in what you want for yourself, what you stand for, what style suits you, what career you are for sure going to be in and overall, you know yourself inside and out. However, adding in finding […]
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Potty Training Diary – The Highs, The Lows, The Progress

Whoever said potty training was easy was lying or had a genius child. These past weeks… months… more months was a lot more of a struggle than I was expecting, but then again I was dealing with a 19-month-old at the time. This time, I am dealing with the oh so terrible two stage. Since receiving […]
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How to Survive Back to School Shopping With Kids?

Where did the summer go? I swear it was just a few days ago that I was making Last Day of School Treat Cards for my siblings and now I have to think about helping to get them back to school. This is one of my favourite parts, shopping for the back to school supplies […]
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Push Gift Guide
Push gifts! Push presents! Whichever way you call it, you deserve it. I don’t understand why some moms are against it. We do all the heavy lifting for nine months, some deal with sickness (I did) and some loose sleep because of stomach size but we all know the end part and the most obvious […]
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How to Preserve Your Adorable Ultrasound Photos
The first time you meet (or I guess I should say see) your baby is through an ultrasound. To me, that was when it felt real, like really real. There is a baby inside of you… REAL! Then they give you ultrasound photos along your way and you start to watch your baby grow apart […]
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Allergy Testing Your Kids – My Story
I am no stranger to having allergies, food allergies, seasonally allergies, pet allergies… I know it because well I live with it. I never knew the much about allergies when I was younger other than it made me feel funny or made something swell or gave me excema other than that I just stuck to […]
Back to School Shopping List Printable
It is Back to School time and we all know what that means… shopping and a Back to School Shopping List Printable! I wanted to create a shopping list printable that would go with any child, teen or collage student that is going to back to school. And what is better than getting to customize […]
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Potty Training Diary – Week 1
I have done it… well not finished but I have finally starting the potty training adventure. My son is now 19 months and I noticed that lately it is a fight to change his diaper; (like I am a villian and he is a super hero saving himself from Dr.Clean who keeps taking him away […]