Tomorrow is the last day of school and boy is that shocking to me. It feels like this year just fell between my fingers. I used to love when school was over, you get to sleep in and be completely lazy all summer doing whatever you want in the hot cloudless weather. Now that I […]
My Life

I had a moment with my friend when we were out on a girl’s night to chit chat over a hot meal, where there was something that she said that really resonated with me. I told her that I stood up for myself politely to my manager and also tried to help him see […]
How I Mended From A Broken Heart Interview

It wasn’t my first instance to share how I mended from a broken heart because lets be honest, it is incredibly personal, however, I always think that certain things happen for a reason. I still think that getting the opportunity to share my heartbreaking lessons is what I needed at the moment since, at that […]

Just one of those days or I guess, I should say one of those weeks… where things are going at lightning speed and you have no idea how the weekend got there so fast. Yup, that is where I am at. Rainy days and hot weather. I love when it’s nice and warm because not […]

There is something mesmerizing about trees. I know that may sound ridiculous but I have always loved watching the sunlight hit the leaves and the breeze playing through the branches. I could just stare for a little while just to appreciate the little things, the things we don’t think about on our day to day lives. […]
The Best Songs for a Broken Heart

Can I be real with you? Like a 100%, deep and honest for a second of your time. Have you ever been heartbroken before? Crazy question, right? You might be saying, okay where are you going with this? Don’t worry I won’t bore you with the details of mine, however, I will share what gets me […]
Live Love Life Lately #104

Park days are necessary! Actually, it is almost a requirement when you have a little one. Moms use it as a time to tire them our and to also get some fresh air. As much as I am a homebody I have to admit that I love watching my little one enjoy the slide and little […]
What If I Was Given $10,000?

I love a good what-if question. I pretty much live by what-if questions. Most of my projects came from that very question because it is a part of creating and using your imagination. So when I received the question: What if I was given a $10,000 loan? I couldn’t resist sharing what I would do. […]

Can you believe that summer is almost here? I can’t! I am not even ready for this to be happening. I remember when I couldn’t wait for it to be here and now that it is within arm’s reach I am completely backing out lol. There is so much going on that I am in […]

Restaurants, sunny but cold days and work. Sounds about right to me. Life gets busy so making sure I fit in some friends time is always best. So a dinner at a local restaurant to eat ribs, fries and wings paired with great conversation is a great start to the month. Another way I like […]

Did you see the cute breakfast in bed, my little man and I had over the weekend. Life flies by with all the things that we are doing, work, getting lunches ready for school, getting dinner ready, get little man in the bath and in his pj’s then brush teeth, story and finally bedtime. There […]

Last week has been pretty fast and furious. If I say so myself! I am not sure if you could tell by that intro but I went to see the movie not just once, but twice because I had to watch one with family and one with my number one girl. Plus, how can you […]
Facing Fashion Fears Living Life Out Loud

Facing Fashion Fears Living Life Out Loud. It is time to face your fashion fears! Have you ever saw an outfit or piece of clothing in the store and thought, yes, I want that, however, when you get home you are too chicken to actually wear it out. There is a million reason why that […]

Hello everyone! I don’t put up too many pictures of my myself but I felt very inspired to do so. Created my own mini photo shoot which was fun! I used to do this a lot when I was younger, turning my bedroom into a photo studio and becoming the photographer with a simple count […]

One thing no one likes is to be sick however to be sick and be a parent means pretty much nothing because it is work as usual even though you want to stay hidden under a mountain of pillows. I love that commercial when you see the sick parent tell the child that he/she […]