Live love life lately. Tidbit moment. There is a time in your life where you just have to stop moving with the crowd. Stop moving in the direction where everyone wants you to go and choose the direction of yourself. Whatever that may be. Know what you want, go after it and be okay with making […]
My Life
Fall New TV Show Premiere 2017-2018

It’s that time of the season that I love the most, when TV rains new fall TV shows premieres. It is candy to my everything. I get very invested really quick and overwhelm my DVR with way too many shows but I can’t help it. I have to watch! I want to see what is […]
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IKEA Catalog Must Haves for 2018

The IKEA Catalog is the best end to summer! Don’t you agree? I love it so much and literally want to hug my mailman whenever it arrives. I go through a little jealous stage if I hear my aunt’s apartment got it before I do or when bloggers have already shared their must-have lists. Why […]
3 Easy Ways to Make a House Feel Like Home

You are all set! You have a new home or apartment, front door keys, and boxes in hand but how do you make a house feel like home? Well, it all starts with the space. A blank canvas to work with. I see a blank room very different than most people, I walk in with […]
- Blogging Tips
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4 Year Blogiversary – Blogging Tips, Blogging Mistakes and Blogging Ideas

Happy 4 Year Blogiversary! In celebrations of my anniversary, I like to take a moment to share my blogging tips, blogging mistakes and blogging ideas. Can I just take another moment to say wow my blog is four years old! I have been blogging for four years! It is pretty cool that my blog grows […]

So what has been happening lately? Well, I haven’t been having the best week. Have you ever felt like life at the moment is on repeat? Like no matter what you do, you are stuck. Stuck in the same peanut butter and jelly sandwich and can’t move. That is what I am feeling. I […]
Dreaming Out Loud: My Dream Dining Room

Take a moment. Close your eyes and just imagine. You walk into your home and see your dream dining room right at your finger tips. You rub your hands against the smooth table and the soft fabric of the dining chair. What does it look like? Is the table wood or glass? Modern or farmhouse style? […]

Summer is for dresses! Normally, you can say that I was not a huge dress fan. I am still keeping it strictly for weekends, however, when I do wear a dress, it makes me feel so pretty and special. There is an extra pep in my step especially if I have heels on. This year, […]

I’ve been waiting for this weekend! Every summer me and my family attend a convention, however, this year was different. Normally we drive to Kitchener, book a hotel and go to the convention for the weekend but this year it was right here in the heart of the city. Not only was this year […]

In a nut shell, I can say that the week has been busy… how is that unusual lol. I was getting my imaginary apron dirty over the weekend and even had time to do some bargain shopping to get a few deals my way because my family is attending a special convention over the next weekend. […]

So what is going on in life lately? Well, even though, I eat these without it being summer, my latest summer treat must have would have to be these mango popsicles by President’s Choice. I bought these from my favorite grocery store, SuperStore! I also tried out my a flat layout in my photography. I really […]
Why I Started Using Essential Oils?

Essential Oils! Have you noticed that everyone is using essential oils? I have seen it everywhere… bloggers, moms, and parents… oh my! So, what is so trendy about essential oils? What is making everyone want to talk about it? What is causing people to go bananas over oils and even jumping into a business with […]

Life is well still in its healing stage. My sprain shoulder is healing finally. It was and still is so hard to remind myself to not use my left arm. I am a go, go, go person and to stop moving because of a injury is killing my motion. Plus doing the impossible of having […]
My Exciting Wayfair Collaboration + Ultimate Bed Sheet Guide

This is fresh off the press! Beyond exciting! I would have to say that this is by far one of the best opportunities that I have ever had. Wayfair wanted to talk bed sheets with me for their bed sheet guide! Me! Like I had to look around for a second and pinch myself a […]

Summer has begun! No more making lunches for school! I have to admit the beginning of summer did not turn out how I have imagined. It did not start great on the right foot… or should I say left shoulder because I have taken quite a fall a work and sprained my shoulder. The paperwork […]