I am all about the trend to not get sick. Are you? No one likes to be sick or feeling unwell. Your nose is running all the time, the tissue is your best friend and your coughing so much that you feel like you coughed up a lung. Ultimately you just feel yucky and icky. It is the feeling of unwell no one wants to experience. So, what can we do about it? Well, we can use essential oils.
Today, I am sharing my tips for how I keep coughs and sicknesses under control.
Thieves Hand Sanitizer
I have a little bottle of thieves hand sanitizer in just about everywhere. There is one in my bedroom, desk at work and in my purses. I find that it does wonders keeping me from being sick. Plus the smell clears my airwaves. So I am breathing it in as well as rubbing it onto my hands. I find that is doesn’t overly make my skin dry either which is fabulous!
Thieves Essential Oils
Thieves essential oil! Oh, what would I do without you? I like to add three drops into my diffuser when I sick to breathe it in. It is mixed with essential oils like eucalyptus and rosemary. It really helps especially if your nose is stuffed because it opens up your airwaves allowing you to actually breathe. It has a nice sweet smell to it so it doesn’t remind you of being sick.
Favourite Sick Buster Blend
For when I am sick/feeling unwell, my friend Kelsie over at Naturally KB suggested to rub/massage some essential oils on my feet and then quickly put on some fuzzy socks.
3 drops of thieves + 3 drops of peppermint + 3 drops of RC essential oils + a carrier oil (coconut oil) = sickness relief!
I find that this really helps me and my son when we are at our worse. A fantastic tip is to make sure you use the thieves hand sanitizer when everyone someone is sick at home. I have dodged many sickness rounds because I have this in my back pocket. It is my mom secret to not get sick when my little man is.
Final Thoughts
If you are unwell right this minute, I hope that this helps you out. It is not easy to be sick but on the plus side if you have some essential oils and Netflix you can get better in no time. If you aren’t sick at the moment and want to keep it like that, you should for sure use thieves essential oils. It does wonders. If you want to know where I get my essential oils, I buy mine from Young Living.
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