I am no stranger to having allergies, food allergies, seasonally allergies, pet allergies… I know it because well I live with it. I never knew the much about allergies when I was younger other than it made me feel funny or made something swell or gave me excema other than that I just stuck to what I knew I am supposed to eat.
Sadly my son has the same allergy jean as I do. I noticed it when he was a baby, he had excema. Since our family gets it all the time when we are allergic to something, I knew that had to be something I was giving to him through nursing or through products I use. I did everything, I tried taking things out of my regular food menu to changing soaps and creams. Nothing was working, the excema kept coming. That is when I said, “That is it, I am going all natural!”
I did my research on natural baby products and foods. The Honest Company was just starting out and I was so glad that they had products I was looking for. I brought my son to the pediatrician and he noticed the excema and told me that “All babies get excema… especially in the winter and summer season“… *insert my confused face here* What do you mean all babies get excema? I explained to him that my family has a history of excema for allergies and I would like to get him tested so I can find out what he is allergic to. He kind of laughed and told me that “Its too soon for an allergy test… when he is two he should. Let me prescribe you some ointment for it.”
Fast forward to when he is two and two weeks ago at the pediatrician office. I brought up the whole allergy thing again and simply asked for him to book an allergy test for my son. Now he says, “Ask you, family doctor, to book an allergy test for you.” Arggg…. why couldn’t I know this information a long time ago! Thankfully it wasn’t like pulling teeth to get him an allergy test, my doctor was very understanding and we got an appointment that week.
I don’t know if you had an allergy test before but first you talk to the allergy doctor about any allergies you or your family has as well as things you want to test for. The allergy doctor asked me “Does your son get excema?” and when I said yes, he told me “excema is a form of an allergic reaction“. Then he will check out your child`s nose and mouth before you go and sit down with the nurse.
Next, requires dots on your arms and a gentle scratch then you wait for the dots of – let`s call it allergy juice to get inside your skin and cause a bump or not. Honestly, I was worried about how my son would handle things. A two-year-old sitting still with arm out for a while wasn’t something I could picture but it happened. He observed every drop the nurse but on his arm and while he waited he occupied himself with sliding sunglasses across the table back and forth until it was time to see the results.
My advice is to get your kids tested. Allergic reactions don’t only mean that your lip or eye swells or that worst-case scenario, your throat closes but regardless of what your doctor says excema is a sign of an allergic reaction. Something your child is eating or using is not agreeing with their body.
It’s not natural to have excema, it’s your body telling you that something is wrong. Look at me, I been feeding my son oranges and even bathing him in it without knowing that he was allergic to it this whole entire time. It’s not prescribed gels that will remove the problem, its actually taking the allergy away that will get rid of the problem.
You have no idea how happy I am to find out what my son is allergic to. It has been a huge weight off my shoulders and now I can buy things that will not affect him. A happy son = a happy mama!

This is a great post for the moms out there! As a matter of fact, it's good for this grandma! My 13 year old granddaughter has fought eczema all her life. I'm going to mention this to my daughter!!! Thanks for the info, girl! Dona
Aww I am so happy this post could help. 13 years is a long time. I know so many moms who have kids who have it and doctors told them the same as me. Best wishes Dona 🙂
This was great info! We also deal with allergies…even oranges, among many others. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much Erin, happy that you enjoyed my post 🙂
I think this post could help a lot of people! Thank you for sharing this on the Brag About it Link party this week!
Thank you Laurie, I hope it does help a lot of people 🙂
I'm so glad they were able to determine the cause of your son's allergy. Thank you for sharing your story and for linking it up at This Is How We Roll Thursday. I hope you come back again tomorrow.
Me too Corinne, I will be sure to stop by 🙂
This is a GREAT POST. I think many people walk on the planet without knowing what their problem is but they do know 'something is not quite right'. You did great being so adamant! I have never even heard of orange allergies. Gosh, if all problems in life could be so simply solved! Thanks for sharing your story at the FineCraftGuild. Be sure to now come visit us on Saturdays, instead of Wednesdays!!! Hugs and have a great week! ~ Rose
Thank you Rose, yeah your right there is too many people that don't find out that is wrong or they are directed by their doctor in a different direction. I am so happy that you like this post!
Awesome post. We have egg and nut allergies in our family. Scary stuff. Thanks for linking up and sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. Join us again this week. Your post is pinned and tweeted!
Same with my family. I agree, its scary stuff and food allergies are hard to have.