If you are 20 something right now, then you are going through a rollercoaster in your life. You could be starting college or finishing it, figuring out what you want in your life or completely freaking out because you feel like you haven’t gotten anywhere in your life. Relax. This is normal. Everything you are feeling right now is completely the norm. Your still young and looking to
My start of being 20 was a complete life-changing moment. My life changed for the better and I powered myself through my life even though it was completely unexpected. We are going to discuss a few key things that are going to happen to you when you are in your 20s.

After high school, life is completely different. If your friends aren’t going to the same school as you then you don’t hear from them as much as before. You go from seeing them every single day to maybe a couple times a month if possible. Its a game changer! Your text messages can only do so much. However, you start to know who your real friends are and the ones who simply sit on your social media. It is a difference you can see right away, however it makes room for the new friends you gain along the way.
Bad Jobs

You are going to go through some sucky jobs. Yes, it is going to be the ones that make you ask yourself “Why am I here?“. It the job you get while you’re waiting for your dream job or to finish school. I had my share of bad jobs, managers who don’t make sense and customers who suck your soul. It’s always the honeymoon stage that rocks. We-vibe and then the glass shatters and you realize this work system for retail sucks. I didn’t like how they functioned.
Welcome to adulting with a job. It is all part of the experience. We all have to go through it at least once. Why? It builds character, gives you challenges and if all goes right you get the benefit of being humble. These jobs are not easy and now you can show respect to people who do these bad jobs for a living. Do you know what I mean?
However, you will get through it and you will find a job that is worth waking up to. It takes time but you do eventually get there.

It is all about the risks. The little things and the big things. I find that in my 20’s I have taken a lot of risks in my life. I have quit jobs and got new jobs and tried things I am scared of. It’s as if we feel like we have all the time in the world so why not.
You got to take some risks sometimes… different paths can take you and a journey you never expected. For me, I never even thought about being a blogger.. it wasn’t even on my radar but look at me now. While I was caring for my son, I grew a passion that became my second job. It allows me to be me. It widens up my creativity and I get to help others along the way.

Breakups hurt and don’t get me wrong it hurts when you’re a teenager but for some reason, it can hurt greater when your in your 20’s. Your more invested in yourself and your partner. It means more.
You start to know more about what you want and where you want to go. Well at least in your later 20’s. I actually did an interview with Mend about my break up and all the things I have learned about myself in the process. If you want to check it out, you can get encouragement here.
Use each break up as a lesson. As you go through the pains, it leaves scars that help you grow as a person. The pain is worth experiencing because you learn so much as a person and about different relationships. If you are still looking for your right one, he will show up when you least expect it. Don’t give up.
Final Thoughts
What have you learned so far in your 20’s? Was it the friendships, breakups, the bad jobs or the risks in life that really propelled you to where you want to be or where you are right this minute. Remember every moment is your life is yours. If you are having a quarter life crisis and worried about all the things you have left to accomplish, I want you to remember that you are going to be fine. Believe me, age is nothing but a number when it comes to living out your dream life. You still have many pages to write your story in.

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