Our way of life differs greatly from the one of previous generations. Resources are fewer, and the costs of living have increased. The only way we can ensure a better future for ourselves and for the next generation is by making our homes planet friendly. This ‘thinking’ green has already become a big industry, with tags like ‘organic’, ‘biodegradable’ and ‘energy efficient’ doubling or even tripling the cost of a product. Still, it is possible to become environmentally aware without spending a fortune. Here are a few ideas.
A Greener Home for a Green Light Budget

Residential properties and recycling
First things first, you need to reduce the amount of waste your home produces. With pollution as the most pressing environmental issue, you can do your part by sorting your rubbish. Glass bottles and jars can be reused or repurposed in a number of ways. Many stores will also accept broken electronic devices and even give you a small discount for the next purchase. It is the little things that make a difference.

Discard, or waste energy?
If your fridge has less energy rating stars than the newest model, it doesn’t mean you should replace it right away. Excess waste is a much bigger problem than energy efficiency, and discarding an item makes a much bigger negative impact on the environment than using it until it really needs to be replaced. This doesn’t apply only to appliances, but also carpets, curtains, furniture, etc.

A green-lit home
While no one can argue that ambiance lighting is the most effective and easiest to install, it is not the most energy-efficient option. You can save a lot by replacing it with accent lighting, and even more by replacing your standard tungsten filament bulbs with LEDs. Compact fluorescent bulbs are another green lighting option. They can reduce your electricity bills by up to 80% and they are available in many cool and warm tones.

West and east wind
If you own the home you live in, hiring a professional to fix the draughty window panes and doors is an investment that significantly affects the heating bill. On the other hand, if your home is rented or your budget can’t support such an expense, craft a couple of old-fashioned draught snakes. Place them underneath your doors and on the window sills. During the cold days, they keep the cold air out and warm air in. In summer, they do exactly the opposite – keep the hot air out of your air-conditioned home.

Insulated homes have high ROI
When the temperature plummets, most people go for the thermostat to crank the heat up. It is the easiest, but not the right way to go. It is not even the most cost-effective. Whether we like to admit it or not, heating is the priciest utility today. Apart from keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer, insulation reduces the outside noise. The type of installation that suits your home best will depend on its construction and the climate in your area.

Eco-friendly furniture
Simply choosing natural materials helps the planet by reducing synthetic waste. When treated and protected properly, teak or bamboo outdoor furniture will last much longer than those kitsch plastic patio sets. And even when it needs replacing, wood is always easier to dispose of. If you live in a colder climate, it is wise to buy rugs that will insulate your feet from the cold floor tiles.

Homemade cleaning products
Chemicals used in cleaning products are harmful to living organisms, while their fumes can irritate your eyes. As an alternative, there are tons of amazing green cleaning recipes online, mainly based on baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. They are the new ‘organic’ cleaning staples that can do the job but without any environmental consequences.
Living green doesn’t have to be expensive. Having an eco-friendly home doesn’t involve only technical solutions and specifications, but also the way of life and willingness to change our habits.