There are habits you need to prevent when organizing but there are also seven organizing habits you need to start right now. These habits are going to make life so much easier and motivate you to keep organizing. It has personally helped me to keep going and to stay organized so I know that you will get the hang of this even if organizing may not be your thing. You got this, let’s dive in!⠀
1 – Just Start Somewhere

The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done. Ain’t that the truth! To avoid this and to achieve an easier life of less stress and less clutter, then you got to do it! You need to just start somewhere. Organize as soon as you can and don’t procrastinate. Put in the effort to get things done while you have the time to do so. Believe me, it will lift the weight off of your shoulders from having to do it later.
What is one thing that you should organize in your life? Let me know below in the comments or write it down. What do you need to get it done? If you can get it done right now, do it. Now is the time!
2 – Adjust Your Mindset

Positive vibes only, my friend. Get in the habit of thinking positively. I want you to remove all those thoughts that don’t serve you such as “I am not good enough“, “It doesn’t work for me or my family“, “I can’t do it“, “I am too tired” or “my home will never look like that“. We are our own worst enemy. Those words are so heavy and don’t move us into action. In fact, it just stops us and then the cycle continues.
Raise your hand if you have been there. No judgement here. You are not alone. I don’t want you to aim for Pinterest or Instagram perfection. Those are photos with filters that look amazing. Behind the scenes there is a mess, there is chaos, craziness and overwhelm. It all happens before the calm and pleasant picture you have stopped scrolling for and give likes to.
That should not be your aim. In reality, the point of organizing is to provide a system for your belongings to match your family’s lifestyle.
Related: How to Successfully Shift Your Decluttering Mindset (VIDEO)
3 – Making A Plan of Action Before Starting

For organizing, a habit you need to start is planning. You want to make a plan of action before really starting the process of organizing or decluttering. Why? Well, without a plan, you are simply guessing. Your driving without a map and well just winging it. Organizing requires planning. Yes, you need to look at your space and plan where you want to put your belongings.
That means grab yourself a piece of paper and pencil and start mapping it out. What you need to do is create sections and categories that best suit your space. Make sure that your plan of action caters to your daily routine.
4 – Match your Daily Routine

Your organizing habit might be that you don’t have a habit. Maybe you like to organize your space comfortably. Instead, I want you to organize in a way of daily priority. To do so, you need to know and study your daily routine than organize your home to match your life’s routine.
Imagine yourself walking into your closet or walking through your front door, do you have what you need in arm’s reach? Remember that the items you use the most should be front and centre. That means shoes that you need to go running with, favourite jackets you need for the season and simple things you wear on the regular need to be easy to access.
5 – Categorizes Everything

Now that you have a plan of action and know your daily routine, now you can get categorizing. Your aim is to keep everything that is the same together. This means if you are working on your closet, get a bin for just your hats, one for your swimsuits, one for your off-season clothing and keep going. Keep the cycle going all-around your home.
When you set up your home this way, you will be able to find and put away your things with ease. Remove the habit of just throwing our stuff wherever, only to struggle to find it later. This only causes stress, overwhelm and wastes time having to find things. I don’t know about you but one of my pet peeves is having to dig to find something when time is limited. Categorizing helps a ton!
6 – Putting Items Back

With categorizing, you need to get in the habit of putting items back. That means we need to stop throwing items in junk drawers, shelves or cabinets. We can get way too comfortable placing items anywhere in our home only to have no clue where it is afterwards. Haven’t you ever said, “It was in this drawer… or was it in that drawer?“
When you set up the system of having everything in its place, you can find it. But you need that organizing habit of putting items back as well as make a conscious effort to achieve that. Try it out on your commonly used items such as your wallet and keys and place it in the same spot. By doing this you are setting in motion the expectation that your items will always be in that spot every time.
7 – Decluttering Regularly

Declutter regularly and not just seasonally. People like to ask me how am I so organized when I am busy with work, busy with my site and blog and Instagram and mom life? How do I still have time to organize?
Well, I find time each week to organize, I set the system ahead of time so that things are running almost on automatic such as a week-long lunch preparation on Sundays for when my son goes to school. I also make sure to have a bag in my bedroom dedicated to donating for me and my son to place clothing or toys we no longer want into the bag. It is a good habit we have started.
Final Thoughts
These are seven organizing habits you need to start right now! Use this time to developed new habits while trying to avoid those old ones. Personally, for me, this has helped my household a ton. Living in a 3-bedroom apartment with my three younger siblings, my mom and my son is not all a breeze but organizing definitely helps keep my sanity. You got this! Let me know below what habits you want to add to your life.
FYI – I invite you to join me in my signature The Organized Mom System where I virtually coach you and help you take control of your household by removing clutter, mastering your time & simplifying your life.
Related: 3 Actionable Decluttering Habits That Will Inspire Happiness in your Life

[…] Related: 7 Organizing Habits You Need to Start (Right Now) […]