One thing I look forward to is spring cleaning! However, I know that not everyone loves it as much as I do. Do you feel like spring cleaning is a hassle? Ever feel like you just don’t know what to do or what makes it different from everyday cleaning? You can count on me to give you unbelievably simple rules for best spring cleaning in your home.
1. Take your Time

When to start spring cleaning? Some say March and so say April, but you can really start when you want. Remember you are the boss of your spring cleaning so you can take your time to do it! You will need to decide when you would like to get everything done. Are you a one-day hustler, a weekend boss or a day-by-day chiller?
Once you have set up your timeline, you will need to aside enough time to achieve your spring-cleaning goals because the last thing I want you to feel is defeated and wishing you never started this in the first place.
2. Create a Plan of Action

You got to have a plan of action of how you are going to spring clean your home. Yes, you need a game plan. Are you going to start in the living room and kitchen first or bedroom and bathrooms? This is something to really think about ahead of time, so you don’t feel stuck on where you are going to start.
I recommend you get yourself a spring cleaning checklist, I use mine every single year and it is a huge help to guide me around my home with ease. Grab yourself a free simple Spring Cleaning Checklist Printable here!
3. Grab your Essentials
Since you are going to get down and dirty it is best to not wear your Sunday’s best clothing. Am I right? So, grab yourself some sweats and a tee shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty. There are a few things that every person needs to accessorize with and that is your cleaning tools. These are usually your everyday cleaning tools like a broom, vacuum, duster, cleaning sprays and cloths.
Don’t forget to put on your favourite music so you can have some fun while you clean. After all, who can resist the urge to dance and sing when your favourite songs are blasting?
Related: Spring Cleaning Essentials
4. Open the Windows

Let your home breathe by opening the windows. It is one of the things you should do before you really start working. Our homes collect so much dust, germs, and allergens that it is excellent to ventilate your home and allow fresh air. Especially if you clean with chemicals-based products, plus, it is very therapeutic to have the breeze come in.
5. Be Honest
If you are coming across things that you know that you don’t like anymore or think you should donate, do it right there and then. Take a bag and toss it in so that you don’t linger on the thought of it. When we have that chance to linger on the item, we can find ourselves putting it right back in the same spot and letting it sit there for another year.
If you are having trouble with certain things, you might want to be more brutal with yourself. Don’t let your mindset hold you back from decluttering. That means don’t worry about if it is handy or pretty or that your friends or family member gave it to you. You must ask yourself – do I use this at all? Does it bring value to my life?
Related:Â Why Self-Discovery is Important for Organizing Your Life
6. Don’t Neglect the Common Spaces

When it comes to spring cleaning our homes there are a few areas that we forget to clean. The living room is an area that can sometimes be overlooked. We forget the little things like cleaning the remote, fan, phones, curtains and bigger items like your sofa and chandeliers. When we clean our kitchen, we can easily forget to clean the range hood, dishwasher, cabinets and garbage can. However, you will not forget a single thing because you will have your spring cleaning checklist printable.
Related: Spring Cleaning 101 – Common Places We Forget to Clean
Final Thoughts
Grab Free Spring Cleaning Printable! – Join thousands who access my free resource library to snag yourself this – Spring Cleaning Checklist Printable and many more!

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