Watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing are just some of the various allergy symptoms that cause a lot of discomforts. Taking antihistamines and avoiding your allergy triggers will help you to a certain point, but unless you keep your home clean and allergen-free, you won’t get much relief. Therefore, it’s essential that you try your best to leave all the potential allergy triggers outside your home, and feel comfortable at least while you’re indoors.
Wear pollen-resistant clothing

The Japanese clothing company, Sanyo Shokai has developed a new pollen-resistant fabric, and it’s perfect for outerwear. The fabric prevents pollen from adhering to the clothes, which helps it reduce allergic reactions. It’s also breathable, it releases moisture from the body, and it’s designed to be soft and silent. So, thanks to this fabric, you won’t have to worry about taking the pollen particles back home after spending a lot of time outdoors during allergy season.
Take a shower
If you don’t have the chance to invest in pollen-resistant outerwear, a shower will be essential after spending time outside. The minute you walk into your home, you should take all of your clothes off, shake them out outside and wash them thoroughly using a little bleach or a specific anti-allergen detergent. Take a shower, wash your hair, and make sure there are no pollen particles left on your body. If you don’t change your clothes or take a shower, you’ll be spreading the allergens all over your home, only making your allergies worse.
Invest in a high-quality air purifier
Fresh air is priceless for our health, but when you’re dealing with allergies, breathing in fresh air is of an even greater importance for your airways. Therefore, check out Air Purifier Ratings and invest in an air purifier that will help you alleviate the allergies. Not only will the air purifier make your breathing easier, but it will also filter out pollutants, smoke, and household odour, providing you with fresh air that will help you relieve your allergy symptoms. Additionally, keep in mind that you need to find the right room for your air purifier, so you’ll get the most out of it. Considering that you spend between seven and ten hours in your bedroom, it will be a good idea to place your air purifier exactly there.
Clean regularly
Your home can actually be a much worse environment for you than the outdoors, because all the carpeting, pillows, the fabric-covered furniture, and warm damp spaces create the perfect breeding ground for allergens. Indoor air pollution can be up to ten times greater than outdoor pollution, and since you spend most of the time in your home, the effects of air pollution will be much more intense. This is why it’s essential that your home is always dust-free. Vacuum regularly and use the vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, to filter out all the allergens. What’s more, it would be best if you didn’t have any carpeting, so that the dust mites can’t grow in your home as much. Wash your bedding at 130 degrees weekly and wash your pet often as well, to lower the home’s dander level. Recycle old newspapers, magazines, cans, and grocery bags every week, because clutter also harbors dust mites.
Stress out less
Whenever you’re under stress, your body releases a myriad of stress hormones, which send various signals to your body preparing it for action. If you don’t manage to reduce stress or find a physical release to it, stress will affect your immune system, and once it’s not strong enough, the chances for allergies will increase. So, try your best to manage stress, and don’t let it get the best of you, because you’ll only make your allergy condition worse.
Living with allergies can be difficult, but if you try your best to keep the allergens at bay, you’ll have nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to keep allergens away from the place you spend the majority of your time, which is probably your home. So, take a thorough shower after spending time outdoors, invest in pollen-resistant clothing, clean regularly, look for a good air purifier, and try not to stress out too often, and you’ll successfully alleviate your allergy symptoms.
Hi, I am Diana Smith. I am a full-time mom of two beautiful girls interested in home decor and latest DIY projects. On my free time, I enjoy exercising and preparing healthy meals for my family. Follow me on Twitter and Google+