A lot of people dream living their life to the fullest by constantly exploring the world and always being on the move. The one thing that stands in their way is the lack of financial prowess to do so. You see, in order to be able to travel, you have to work and you can’t work while on the move. Well, at least you couldn’t do so in the past. Unfortunately, a lot of people are still restrained by this false belief so much that they are willing to sacrifice their life-long dream in order to remain in their comfort zone. For those who are a bit more courageous, here are five tips that will help you live your life as a digital nomad.
1. Start with a financial preparation
Before you set out on your new life path, you need to do some extensive financial preparation. This starts with making a calculation of how much money you’re spending on a daily basis and estimating whether or not you will be able to make this on the move. Even though your job as a telecommuter might not bring in the same amount of money as your 9 to 5 (for the time being), your expenses while on the move will not be the same either (no major expenses mortgage, utility or subscriptions).
The next logical step you need to take is to calculate this difference and see how much money you will need as a digital nomad. This, however, mostly depends on the locations you intend to visit or live at. Luckily, the popularity of this lifestyle choice gave birth to a tool such as Nomad List. Here, you can find all the necessary information on the location you intend to visit, as well as filter the information on all the things you need. For instance, some people choose the locations they are about to visit based on the climate, while others are preoccupied with things like nightlife or similar activities.
At the end of the day, your estimate might be up for some tweaking, seeing as how there are some expenses that can safely be cut (luxuries like lattes, restaurant diners or cable services). On the other hand, you shouldn’t forget to add the cost of commute to your estimate. This includes both flights and the urban commute on your current location.
2. Use all the free internet you can get your hands on

The first tool that every digital nomad needs is a Wi-Fi map. While you may be free from the constraints of most of the things, the internet is the main source of your income, as well as the invention that allowed you to live out your dream as a digital nomad. This is why you need 24/7 access to it. Luckily, with the Wi-Fi map, you can always be aware of all the free Wi-Fi options in the surrounding. Still, it gets even better, you see apart from mapping all the password-free options, some of the patrons are even typing in passwords of surrounding Wi-Fi connections, thus mapping them, as well.
With a Wi-Fi map on your side, you can communicate with people back at home at no cost, hail Uber without spending your own internet, as well as reduce the overhead of telecommuting. On the other hand, you need to keep in mind that not all of these places are available or, for that matter, safe to work from 24/7, which is why you should also have a connection at a place of your residence. No matter how excessive this may seem, this piece of advice is definitely not optional.
3. Get acquainted with local immigration laws
Another thing you should be well aware of is that, even in the 21st century, you can’t just hop borders at your own behest. Prior to visiting a place, you need to check the local immigration laws, which is something you should check with specialized attorneys. Make no mistake, your independent research can only take you so far. Fortunately for you, in this day and age, finding and contacting a proficient legal aid at your target location has never been easier. That being said, this is also something that needs to be done in advance.
4. A nomadic life can be a lonely one
It’s not all sunshine and roses in the world of digital nomads either. Unless you’ve found a nomadic partner, you will soon realize that a nomadic lifestyle is a lonely one. Fortunately, this too is something that technology can help you out with. First of all, IM services can help you stay in touch with people back at home. Second, you can use the internet to befriend locals on your next target destination so that you have at least someone to lean on immediately upon your arrival. Finally, if you get particularly lonely, you can always turn to dating sites and apps in order to look for some company.
5. Optimize for work
Constantly changing your environment, working in different circumstances, switching time zones and similar turmoil are something you will encounter on a regular basis. Unfortunately, due to this, your productivity might suffer. Therefore, you need to ensure that your digital arsenal is strong enough to take it. Find the right time management app, the right collaboration tool and a communication platform that suits you the most. Needless to say, the rest is optional and greatly depends on your line of work (design, creative writing, digital marketing, etc.). In this way, you will automate most of your work-related processes and make them much more reliable.
In conclusion
At the end of the day, not everyone is made for the white picket fence and a dog called Spot, at least not in their 20s and 30s. With the present day technology, however, there’s less and less reason to settle for this so early in life, when there’s so much to explore out there. Of course, living this dream comes at a price, yet, fulfilling your heart’s desires is always worth the effort invested. With the right coordination, this dream can finally be within your reach.
Contributed courtesy of Neil White.
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