Everyone has some image of how their life is going to be when they reach thirty, especially little girls. For them, this image usually consists of a handsome husband and a couple of beautiful babies. However, there are a lot of smaller milestones that you should pass before you make the big step and get married.
As much as people like to avoid the statistic, you can’t ignore the fact that around half of marriages end in divorce. It’s easy to get swept up in the romance and get married before you’ve thought about it. However, if you want to be in the better half of the divorce rate, then you should focus on yourself first. Here are five things that you should at least consider doing before you get married.
Sort Your Finances
For your peace of mind and your partners, you should really consider dealing with your debt before you start wedding planning. After all, you don’t want debt to be the first thing that you and your partner share. Luckily, there are lots of debt relief programs that you can look into, such as debt settlement companies. It might not be easy to clear your debt, but you’ll feel better once it’s done.

See The World
Visiting the four corners of the Earth is something on a lot of people’s bucket lists, and it’s a goal that is often much easier achieved before you get married, as you won’t just have yourself to consider once you put your wedding ring on. Travelling alone, or even with friends, is incredibly liberating and eye-opening too, and might be just what you need before you commit to someone for the rest of your life.
Find Your Dream Job
I have always believed that an education and career are incredibly important. This is why many people, especially women, like to focus on theirs before getting married. Of course, you can find your dream job once you’re married. You can change your career as many times as you would like to. But, once again, when you’re married, you have more than yourself to consider when you do this.

Live With Your Partner
Depending on your beliefs, you might not be down for this one, but there’s no way to tell if you can live with someone until you actually have. The last thing that you want is to discover two weeks into your marriage that your new spouse is absolutely intolerable to live with. So living with them, at least for a short while, is always sensible.
Grow Up
Marriage is an incredibly big decision, and you need to be sure that you’re mature enough to handle it. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as saying X years old is the right age to get married. As maturity has nothing to do with that. You know that you’re mature enough for marriage when you don’t want to change your relationship. You and your future spouse are honest with each other, and you make long-term plans for the future and are serious about them.
Everyone’s marriage is different, and only you know when you’re truly ready to get married. If you are, and your partner is of the same mind, then go and have a wonderful life together.