In the modern, hectic world, stress has become a daily occurrence. Balancing a job while raising a kid and taking care of the household (don’t forget to walk the dog, too), all the while doing your best to maintain a social life, can be quite exhausting at times. After a while, these daily chores start to pile up, and in turn, your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being begins to suffer.
You might be under the impression that the answer lies in a secret trick to banish stress altogether, but the harsh reality is that it will always find its way in no matter what. That is why you need to develop a system for battling stress on a daily basis, rather than trying to eliminate it completely. Here to help you de-stress thoroughly after a long day is a simple five-step home detox you are bound to love.
Purge the clutter
Clean up the house when you’re stressed? Not in your life, right? Well, you might want to muster up the willpower to try it before you toss the notion aside. You see, when you come home stressed, you feel exhausted, but you are also feeling jittery and energized, you want to laugh and cry and have a fistfight with someone at the same time. That’s okay, that’s normal.
This excess energy needs to leave your body if you plan to de-stress properly. So why not use it to tidy up a room, or the entire house? It’s an excellent way to empty your mind of negativity and angst, while being productive. Once everything is all cleaned up and decluttered, you can finally start to truly enjoy yourself.
Turn your gadgets off
Your entire day is filled with calls, text messages, social media, notifications, and e-mails, so why on earth would you continue to use your phone or computer when you finally come home? Unless it’s to book your next spa session, you don’t need them, so the second step is to turn your gadgets off.
To transform this challenge into a feasible task, you want to create a tech-free zone in your home, a place where technology is absolutely forbidden. This doesn’t have to be an entire room, it can be a reading nook, an armchair in the living room, or the bed in your bedroom.
Surround yourself with greenery
Eliminating the unhealthy glare of your computer or smartphone screen is not enough, you need to let your eyes rest properly. So whether you’re moving through the house, reading in your chair, or preparing a bath, you want to enjoy a serene setting engulfed in vibrant greenery.
Every corner of your home can boast a potted plant, every windowsill a beautiful flower arrangement. But greenery is not just for the living room or the kitchen. Be sure you introduce green accents in your bathroom as well, in order to create a true oasis of peace and tranquility.
Have a healthy snack
Health, both physical and psychological, enters the body through the mouth. Now is the perfect moment to have a healthy snack after a long day and fill your body with the right nutrients to replenish your energy stores and keep you going for the rest of the day.
Don’t make it a hefty meal, as it can make you feel drowsy and grumpy. Instead, make a refreshing smoothie filled with the yummy goodness of fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds, complete with a rich probiotic powder to help your body flush out toxins and absorb essential nutrients efficiently.
Enjoy a rejuvenating bath
Finally, we come to the culminating point of your five-step detox journey. You want to strike a finishing blow to any stressful or negative thoughts that are still lingering by taking a rejuvenating bath. But instead of simply sitting in a tub of hot water, you want to make it a complete experience.
Use scented candles around the bathtub to calm your senses, and don’t forget to add soothing bath salts to let your skin detoxify and your body unwind. At this point, there is nothing left to do but grab a glass of wine, put on your favorite tunes, and let yourself go.
Defeating stress in everyday life cannot be done with a single trick, or a cookie-cutter solution. It is a process that entails repetition, persistence, and willpower. Be sure to use this simple five-step guide and you will have no problem banishing stress from your mind, body, and soul.
Contributed courtesy of Olivia Jones.
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