When we start thinking about having a fresh start or a new year’s resolution, we tend to look at ourselves. We may even say we want to be more organized, so let’s get rid of the mistakes preventing you from a happy organized home.
#1- Not Prioritizing Your Belongings

You might like to organize your space in a way that is comfortable when you should be looking at it in a way of daily priority. When you walk into your closet or walk through your door, the items you use the most should have a home. That means shoes that you need to go running with, favourite jackets you need for the season and simple things you wear on the regular need to be front and center for easy access.
#2 – Throwing stuff around.
We have all been there throwing items in drawers, shelves or cabinets and think it is organized. One of the most popular items this happens would be is toys. Families collect a ton of toys and the more children you have, the more toys you have, and it gets scattered from room to room.
You need to take it a step further for it to be really organized. By using bins or baskets you can make your drawer or shelf look visually appealing while being able to find what you need, when you need it, by categorizing your items.
#3 – Shop First Organize Second

In reality, we shop first for our homes and don’t really think about where we are going to store these items because we are excited about what we bought. Does that sound like you? Me too. It is the thrill of the thought that we are going to organize but not planning what we are organizing first.
So, before you go stocking up on storage bins that end up collecting dust, plan ahead of time. See what you have in your home that you can use as storage solutions such as the containers you already have. You wouldn’t believe the number of times I have used cardboard boxes for things.
#4 – Forgetting About Labels
If you have the first step completed which is getting your bins, but still have trouble finding what you need then you must be forgetting to the label. You need to properly label my friend! You don’t want to throw things in there just for the sake of space. The point of the label is to stop you in your tracks and warn you that only the labelled items are allowed in. So, if it says scarves the that is what goes in there not gloves.
#5 – Not Putting Items Back

Sometimes we get too comfortable placing items anywhere in our home then when it is time to get it, we have no clue where it is. When you set up the system of having everything in its place, you can find it. Make a conscious effort to put your items back where you found them. This is especially best for your wallet, keys, tools and flashlights. By doing this you are setting in motion the expectation that your items will always be in that spot every time.
Final Thoughts
So did you find yourself in any of these 5 mistakes from keeping you from having a happy organized home? As organized as I am, I know that I am for sure in the category of number three so don’t think I am all perfectly organized all the time. It takes constant effort to not get sucked into these mistakes but when you remove them it is so worth it. Happy organizing!
Related: How to master planning the week ahead of time

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