Life to me should be defined, expect the unexpected. We are going to have a great day, the best days and then we are going to have the not so good days and the ultimate worst day. Yes. It’s going to happen but there are 4 simple things to do when your feeling down.
To me, it is important to talk about feeling down because let’s face it we all feel down. We all face plant on our beds or hide under the covers and never want to see the sunlight. Our emoji should be meh with a side of an angry face.
I scroll through Instagram a lot and follow bloggers on the web and see what I think to be perfect lives. In reality, I know that they are just like me and have good days and bad days but it’s hard to see behind the perfect photos and filters. I know. So I fall back into the trap of why can’t that be me.
Step 1 – Acknowledge The Issue

I don’t want you to hide your issue. Whether you are feeling down due to work or family issues that you are still recovering from. There is a reason why you are feeling down.
My problem at times is that I work so hard, put endless time into something and got nothing to show for it. It is like my hard work isn’t recognize. It’s so frustrating to feel like you have wasted your time on something and get no result from it.
Related:Â 5 Uplifting Things To Do When You Are Stress
Step 2 – Confide in Something or Someone

When these days get overwhelming and you feel down you can always confide in a trusted friend who listens. Notice that I said someone who listens because that is really the key. You want someone who is going to be an ear to you and not someone who pushes their own agenda or makes you feel worst about the issue.
I know that everyone feels comfortable talking to people about their problems. You could think about taking the time to write out your frustrations or finding some sense of calm such as meditation.
Related:Â Do Meditation and Exercise Together Give You a Better Health?
Step 3 – Get Up to Move

It is so important to get your body moving. You want your mind and your body back in alignment so think of an activity that gets you out of your environment into the fresh air or in a new area in your home with the windows open.
Some activities you can consider is running, jogging, going for a walk, yoga or dancing. I personally find dancing brightens my mood with the right music. Of course, we all have our own preferences so do what makes you best happy.
Related:Â How to Get Out of Your Own Way
Step 4 – Self-Care Essentials

I think self-care is essential for everyone. As busy as we are, we should make an effort to pamper ourselves. Your body just needs to relax and take time to unwind in a peaceful environment. You need to be pampered!
What is your go-to for self-care routine?
Here are some ideas in case you need a little push of inspiration. You could set up a bubble bath or home spa day, take the time to make snacks and curling up with a blanket to watch a movie. Whatever makes you feel at your most relaxed state.
Related:Â How to Be Your Own Self-Care Boss
Final Thoughts
If you are feeling down today or just need a little pick me up then look no further than the suggestions above. A lot of them have gotten me through some bad days so I know there is something there for you to get you through this day. What you do to pick yourself up when you’re blue.
Related:Â How To Relieve Stress When Your Hit Your Absolute Lowest