With little ones around, it can be hard to have a home that is as stylish and pristine as Pinterest makes a lot of homes look. Not only do children need space to move and play, but they can require a lot of things in the home too.
Creativity is another part of it too, and all of this can take its toll on your home. There are definitely some things that are going to make your home much more durable and suitable for a growing family than others. So with that in mind, here are some things to think about that can help you have a home that looks good but that works for a family and can be easily maintained.
Wooden floors over carpets

You might think that having carpet is a good idea for children as it is softer. But really, carpets can hold a lot of dirt, even when cleaned regularly. Carpets can also show up a lot of stains, which are more likely to happen with children, so definitely something to consider. When you have hardwood flooring it can be easily cleaned and wiped, and it is sturdy and durable, making it a better choice compared to carpets.
Wall art and photos rather than painted walls

If you have children then they can change their minds about things quickly, as well as not like something for very long, as they do grow quickly. So if you’re decorating their bedroom with paint on the walls at their request, for example, then you may find that you are having to redecorate it all sooner rather than later.
One thing to think about is choosing a neutral wall tone, and adding color with your artwork, photos, and accessories in their chosen shade. These can then be much more easily changed as the children grow and their tastes change.
Furniture with storage

One thing that you will suddenly find with children is that you are so short on storage space! However, to help, you can look for some items of furniture that double up with storage space.
For example, a footstool in the living area could double up as storage for toys. Ottoman beds in the bedroom can be storage for toys or clothes, as well as things like diapers and wipes that you have in huge supply. When you have furniture that has a purpose but that also works as storage, it is much better for a family.
One specific creative area

If you have one space in the home that can be used for mess and being creative, then it can make a difference compared to having the whole house up for grabs. With a playroom or a specific area for creative play, it means that you can keep the majority of the home clean and tidy and just focus the mess in one area.
Of course, this won’t be possible in all homes, but if possible, it does make a difference and make the home look better and last better overall.