I turned 30 this year, I decided to reflect on my life by taking a moment to acknowledge all the ups and downs that I have been through and all the accomplishments I have made. It’s crazy to think that within the years of my 20s, I can look back at the chapters and see the progress I have made. I also noticed all the decluttering I did before I turned 30 which sparked this article today. Here are 30 Things in your life you need to declutter & organize by age 30:
1. Falling Out Friendships

Some friendships change for the better and some change for the worst. I think that it is okay to accept when a friendship has run its course. There are three types of friend styles out there and once you realize which one it is, it is easier to declutter the ones that are no longer working.
My favourite quote or motivational speech is from Tyler Perry as Madea which says:
“Listen. I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blows, they’re over here. It blows the other way, they’re over there. They’re unstable. Seasons change. They wither and die. They’re gone. That’s alright. Most people in the world are like that. They’re just there to take from the tree. They aren’t going to do anything but take and give shade every now and then. That’s all they can do. Don’t get mad at people like that. That’s who they are.Â
They were put on the earth to be a leaf. Some people are like a branch on the tree. You gotta be careful of those branches too. They’ll fool you. They make you think they’re a good friend and they’re real strong, but you step out there on them, and they break and they leave you high and dry. But if you find you two or three people in your life just like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed ‘cause them the kind of people that ain’t going nowhere. They ain’t worried about being seen.
Don’t nobody have to know they know you. Don’t have to know what they’re doing for you. But if those roots weren’t there, that tree couldn’t live. A tree can have a hundred million branches, but there’s only a few roots down at the bottom. I’m telling you, son, when you get some roots, hang onto them. But the rest of them, let it go. Let folks go. That friend relationships are like a tree, some are branches, leaves and roots.” – See the full video here – Let it Go by Madea (Tyler Perry).
What I took from that:
It took me a while to understand that in my 20s and although I keep my friendships circle small, some friendships I thought were roots ended up being branches when my wedding came around or when life got busy and those friendships either changed or unexpectedly dissolved.
Therefore now I look for friendships that are willing to be there in the good and in the bad. That is making the effort just as much as I am. Life gets busy but being the only one trying or fighting for a friendship is not something I want to keep in my 30s.
2. Toxic Relationships

I think this is a big thing to declutter in your 30s because, at this point in life, there is no need to deal with this any longer. I chose to cut many toxic relationships straight out of high school. Whether you are removing a toxic dating, friendship or family relationship, it can affect you mentally. I wish these people well, well out of my life.
Not to mention the number of toxic work environments that we can experience as well. If you are able to find something better out there, take the exit door. However, do not be afraid to search for something better, at the end of the day your workplace is a company first before employee first. They will always choose it over you so choose your mental health and yourself by finding something better out there.
3. Unfit Jobs
Speaking about jobs, there are certain jobs out there that we are breaking free from. Jobs that aren’t paying well, jobs that don’t see our values and jobs that no longer serve us or are clearly toxic. We spend so much of our time and days at these jobs so we need to be at ones that are worth our time and skills.
See your value. We are in a time where we can go for what we want in a job instead of a job telling us what we can have. There is power in knowing what you want in a job and saying no to the ones that just don’t fit.
For me, it was saying bye to retail jobs and hello to temporary jobs that lead to full-time positions. Personally, it allowed me to test the job out while getting paid weekly for it. I got to see the work environment and the job for what it is. It’s the perfect thing if you want to test jobs out before signing on the dotted line.
4. Roommates
There is something about having your own place that is just so satisfying. You don’t even need to own it, you can rent it. To those who have checked this box off, I envy you.
However, I know all so well that it is not 100% realistic to own your own apartment or even buy your own home due to the high cost of living and so on. Therefore, I am really putting this on the list for those who were able to declutter roommates from their place and get to have their whole place to themselves. Cheers to you!
5. Grudges or Unforgiving People

People are imperfect. It is a fact that is faced by all of us. So living in a world where you think people should be perfect is unrealistic. Forgiving is something for yourself, not for others.
You’re the one holding in this anger and having the thoughts and reacting to what happened over and over again. Most people aren’t sitting around thinking about what they have done to you which is why forgiving is for you.
Forgive these people who you feel that have ruined your life or said something that really rubbed you the wrong way. Let it go. Whether that is writing everything you wish you could say down and burning the paper away or going to therapy. You need to release it for yourself. Declutter that from your mind and your life. It is the most freeing and loving thing you can do for yourself.
This quote from Tyler Perry as Madea definitely made me change my outlook on it:
“Forgiveness is for yourself, not for the person you are forgiving. Why toss and turn and stress over something when the person who did it is sleeping soundly in their bed. A valuable lesson and one that we should remember.”
6. Clothing that Doesn’t Match you Now

There are so many layers to you throughout your 20s and one of them is your clothes. You have gone through a variety of styles and outfits before finally coming to your own and knowing what you like and what you don’t like wearing.
Of course, you are still going to try new styles but you got some pieces of clothing that you tend to go to over and over again that just says you. Declutter the old stuff is so worth it.
I also encourage you to declutter regularly so that you are not placing clothing you no longer love or like back into your closet. Have a hamper or basket dedicated to those clothes and donate when the basket gets full.
- Old clothes that no longer fit or haven’t been worn in over a year.
- Jeans that are two sizes too small.
- Dress you wore once to a wedding five years ago.
- Clothes you no longer like.
Donate them to a local charity or sell them online to make some extra cash. Not only will you free up space in your closet, but you’ll also feel lighter and more organized.
7. Shoes You Don’t Need or Use

Another thing you should go through by the time you turn 30 is your shoes. Circumstances or personal style may cause us to change up our shoe collection. Just like we need to go through our clothing the same needs to be done for our shoes. Keep only shoes you use throughout the year.
- Donate shoes you no longer like.
- Get rid of old worn-out shoes.
- Donate shoes that no longer fit.
- Get rid of shoes that are falling apart and that have holes.
- Donate shoes you no longer need.
8. Accessories That Are No Longer Your Style
When was the last time you went through your jewelry and accessories? We can easily get into a cycle of grabbing our favourites that we forget about all the other accessories we have been collecting dust. Don’t hold onto items you no longer use such as old belts, earrings and necklaces. Donate them, give them to some you know who would like them or choose to sell those of value.
9. Purses You Don’t Want or Use
Purses need to be added to the list of things you need to go through. I found that I went through different styles throughout my 20s and ultimately got rid of purses and bags I no longer needed. From backpacks, large tote bags to now loving the fanny pack. If you don’t have the space to hold to them all then consider putting bags in a larger bag. Remember now is the time to hold onto bags you use often or yearly. Donate or sell the rest.
10. Your Old Work Uniforms
Sometimes we have old work uniforms or t-shirts that we used to need to wear but have left that job since. You may have held onto them because you thought that you would later return to that job or because you had no idea what to do with them.
- Donate them.
- Use the fabric for crafts.
- Wear them for messy or cleaning projects around the house.
- If it’s an option, return them to the workplace.
11. Mismatched Socks

I don’t know about you but socks seem to disappear. It can be so annoying to open a drawer and remember that you still have those mismatched socks taking up space. Many suggest not throwing away those old socks and repurposing them to use them for something else.
Let’s be honest, not everyone will want to do that, therefore, I suggest donating it to places like H&M that collect even the worn and stained clothing you have. The best part is that they do the repurposing for you.
12. Wire Clothing Hangers
One of the things I was most excited about getting rid of is unmatched hangers. Does anyone still have wire or plastic mixed-matched hangers? One way to level up your closet is by upgrading your hangers. I am talking about saying goodbye to those flimsy wire hangers or those plastic hangers we get from the store. Instead, get some sturdy and stylish hangers like:
13. Expired Makeup and Beauty Products.

It’s time to say goodbye to that old mascara and lipstick you haven’t used in years. I know how costly these products can be and to remove them may feel like a waste of money. Please do not hold onto expired makeup and beauty products because as much as it may look okay to use it can harbor bacteria and cause skin irritation or infections.
Always check the expiration dates on your products and toss anything that is past its prime. Your skin will thank you.
- Mascara should be replaced every three months
- Other products like foundation and lipstick can last up to two years.
- Consider getting travel-size products instead of the full amount if you feel like you will not use them all in time.
14. Hair Tools

Another section that can be overlooked is your hair tools. In many cases, we could have a whole museum of hair tools you have used in the past that no longer work or just didn’t work for you. So instead of allowing them to collect dust, consider donating the items that are still in good working condition like your flat iron, clippers and blow dryer.
15. Old Bedding
Your bedding says a lot about you. Embrace your adulthood by getting rid of your old worn-out bedding, especially if it’s the same set you’ve had since your high school or college days. It’s time to upgrade to a more sophisticated and comfortable set that reflects your current stage in life or an upgraded version of what you already had. So, say goodbye to the old linens and hello to a fresh start!
16. Worn Out Bed Pillows
Here is another thing in your life you need to declutter by age 30, your worn-out bed pillows. If you have been holding onto that old pillow from college, I am happy to tell you that the pillow has got to go! Yes, say goodbye and invest in a new one. Pillows naturally harbour dust mites and allergens even with a pillowcase on it and it starts to lose its shape and support. All signs point to replacing it.
You can basically get a pillow on just about any budget and if there is one in particular you want you can wait for a good sale. All you need to do is choose a pillow shape that will provide you with the best possible sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed.
17. Plastic Dinnerware
Plastic dinnerware is what we had when we really did not have the money to buy real plates. Or if you have kids then you definitely have them and should keep some of them but you should also have a set of real plates in your home. These days you can get them from a dollar store, Walmart, Amazon and IKEA at an affordable price too. This simple change can make a big difference in your adulting kitchen decor.
18. Mismatched Dessert Plates and Bowls

Another thing to think about is decluttering from your home by the age of 30 is any mismatched dessert plates and bowls. Just like your dinnerware your dessert plates and bowls can be overlooked and start to become stained as well. Whether you are buying new ones at the store or your local thrift store make sure they are in good condition without any chips.
19. Old Flatware
Over time flatware can get beaten up which means it is time for a new set and donate the old ones. Why? When you decide to host your family or friends you won’t have to worry about digging your drawer for something presentable. A set of quality, matching flatware set is way better than old, stained and mismatched pieces.
20. Old Miss-Matched or Stained Food Storage Containers
We all have a section of old storage containers that have been through it all. If you’ve not planning on repurposing it then it is time to let them go. Honestly, glass containers with rubber tops are the way to go for safer food storage. Of course, you can’t go wrong with bento boxes or even silicone food bags for yourself or just your kids too.
21. Old Furniture

Lastly, we sometimes hold on to furniture that is seen better days. If you are planning to fix and repair it soon then by all means get the paint or hire someone to repair it. However, if you have been saying this for years and nothing has been done, consider replacing the old furniture with a new one that matches your 30-year-old self. As much as life can get busy, holding on to old furniture that is barely functional will not do anyone any good in the long haul.
22. Cheap Rugs
We all know what a cheap rug looks like after a long time. Getting rid of that old polyester rug from your college days is a must. Having rugs in your home are there to add character to a room but only when they are not outdated or worn out. When you are searching for a new rug, look for various styles, materials, and quality to ensure that you get a durable and comfortable rug.
23. Broken or Unused Electronics
Raise your hand if you still have old phones, laptops, and other gadgets you no longer use or need laying around in your home. Once you get something new, it can be hard to know what to do with your old devices. Especially when you have personal information on it and may even pose a safety hazard if they are not disposed of properly.
Consider donating or recycling these items instead of letting them collect dust in your home. You can be sure that your information will be scrubbed clean and if you’re not sure, you can factory reset your devices before recycling them.
Many electronics stores and manufacturers offer recycling programs, and some even offer incentives for trading in old devices. Not only will you be decluttering your space, but you’ll also be doing your part for the environment.
24. CDs and DVDs

Another thing in your life you need to declutter by age 30 is CDs and DVDs. While you may have already gotten rid of those old cassette tapes (I hope you know what that is), it’s time to take a look at your CD and DVD collection. There are plenty of classics you want to keep if you still have a device to play it on such as a desktop computer or CD player.
If you no longer have a player for these outdated or retro formats, it’s time to say goodbye. Unless you are using them as a display, you really don’t need them.
25. Unused Chargers and Cords
Tell me if I am alone in this feeling, but it can be so hard to keep track of all the cords that come into our lives. Half the time we don’t even remember what most of the cords are for and then we hold onto them just in case we remember what the product is in the future.
If it has been collecting dust in the corner for years and you still don’t remember what device they belong to, it’s time to let them go by donating it. Things in your life you need to organize by age 30, for organizing the cords you want to keep, consider getting the following:
26. Memorabilia in Boxes
Declutter and simplify your living space by tackling sentimental items like old letters, ticket stubs, and dried flowers. While these items may hold memories, you may need to go through your items again to see what you truly need to keep.
Take some time to go through these items and decide what can be displayed and what can be let go. If you’re having trouble parting with something, my favourite tip to suggest is to consider taking a photo of it to keep the memory without the physical clutter.
27. Past Contacts on your Phone

Does anyone still have old contacts on their phone from middle school or high school? You are not alone. Go through your phone and remove anyone you haven’t messaged or talked to in decades. In many cases, you are holding onto a number that is no longer connected to them and has since been assigned to someone new.
28. Unwanted Presents
Presents are fantastic to get and as much as the motive behind it is good, there are cases when you receive gifts that you don’t want. This may be controversial for some but you have permission to donate those unwanted presents or gifts. There is no point in holding on to them when you don’t plan on ever using them and allowing them to take up space in the back of your closet or garage.
Of course, you have the option of regifting these gifts but if you haven’t been able to re-gift them by now, consider donating them instead.
29. Outdated Textbooks and School Notes.
It is time to let go of the textbooks and school notes from your past. U know what I am talking about. If you were hoping to sell your textbooks and never got a chance to do so, you may have missed your shot. In many cases, your textbook may be outdated.
Plus, unless you’re in a profession that requires constant reference to these materials, they are likely taking up valuable space in your home.
- A local library,
- Local school,
- Recycle them if they are no longer in usable condition.
30. Old Magazines and Newspapers.

If you are holding onto old magazines or newspapers for future reference, the reality is that most of the information can be found online. It is true! Plus the older it gets the more the information becomes outdated. Not to mention, keeping stacks of old magazines and newspapers can take up valuable space in your home and create unnecessary clutter.
- Recycling them.
- Donating them to a local library or even a school.
- Take a photo or scan the page of the information you want and then recycle it.
If you are featured in this magazine or newspaper, consider cutting that part out or removing the page so you can frame or put it in a file folder.
Final thoughts
These 30 things in your life you need to declutter & organize by age 30 may feel like a lot to be doing, however, this is something you can do over the span of your 20s. They don’t have to be done in one day. In fact, some things on this list you probably have already done that you didn’t even realize. Take the time to go through this list and see what is left to do so you can start your 30s with less clutter and more organization!
- Declutter your Entryway Closet: How to Keep It From Disasters
- How to Declutter Your Apartment in 3 Easy Steps
- 3 Actionable Decluttering Habits That Will Inspire Happiness in your Life
- How to Declutter Your Bedroom in a Day?