I can’t believe that I am closing the chapter to another fantastic year. I know that I say this every year now but I really don’t feel like it has only been three years but when I look at my son and how old he is then it only makes sense because I started this blog when he was born. He is three-years-old and heading to kindergarten this week. Between my son and my blog, I feel like time is just flying past me.
It has been a year of balance and finding my feet. I started my first job this year so there was a constant battle of finding balance with my job and my blog. I love my readers so I take my blog just as serious as I do like my job, however, due to my job’s lack of stable I was always struggling to find the time to produce posts. I hated that.
I am the type of person who loves a routine and my job doesn’t provide such a things. It is always up and down which causes my blog to feel like a rollercoaster trying to catch up. I try my best to not let it effect me but sometimes it did. Falling asleep with my laptop on my lap or up too late writing a post and dead tired at work.
1. Keep on learning. I always say that you can’t ever stop learning and I truly believe that. I enjoy listening to other blogger’s advice on how to pump out an awesome blog post to learning their ways that they make money. It is nice to try things that have worked for successful bloggers and try it out for myself to see if it works for me or not.
2. Know when to admit “I can’t today”. I don’t like to say that I can’t do it today because it is almost like missing a day of work for me. I like to be able to do it all but this year I had to tell myself that due to work hours, plus stress, I could not write a post and that always killed me. Missing any post effects not only my blog but also my social media. Plus I always feel like I am letting my readers down. I had to put on those big girl pants to really sit myself down saying “I can’t today but I will tomorrow.” and it eased my brain a bit.
3. Sharing a little more of me. Most of the time, I like to be the girl behind the camera because I am not as glammed up like my fellow bloggers. I am straight simple with no makeup at all but this year I showed a little more of myself and little more of my son because I want my readers to not only love the crafts, ideas and so on but also love the blogger behind it all and how can they know me if I don’t share a little more about me.

Expand. I am thinking about what I want to sell, things that I love and think that you will love as well. I want to expand my brand and create an awesome business that represents me but also my blog as well. It is my city of creative dreams so my thought is… why limit it to just one thing? Why not combine things or give a little bit of everything slowly? So if that means me offering a service then that is what I will do or selling something handmade then I will do that. I am stilling figuring that out right now.
I would have to say my best blogging day was when I got to launch my own giveaway, I usually host giveaways with other bloggers but this time, I got to launch my very own giveaway with an awesome brand called Tailor Brands. It was so much fun working with the brand and I really enjoyed myself.
There is no certain day that I can pinpoint but I guess whenever I wasn’t able to write a post felt like my worst day. I would have power through like most days but sometimes my body just would not let me and I would have to accept that realization that I needed that day off from blogging and could not write that day.
(Click on the logo to see my posts)

As always, thank you to everyone that has been there from the beginning and the ones that are still getting to know me. This site is not only for myself, it is for you too! All of your views, shares and lovely comments I get is what makes me love what I already love more and more. I do these things on the regular but this site, this outlet is what makes what I do extra special. I am still learning and growing and I hope that you continue on this journey with me in finding and sharing all my creative dreams in life.
I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative week!

Congratulations on your 3 year blogiversary!
Thank you so much, Sarah!
[…] All I knew was that I love writing, love organizing and natural products. Why not share it. It is so important to write what you love because everyone can tell if you are faking it or not generally interesting in what you are talking about. We feel it. Words make you feel something just as a song does. So be real when you are writing, speak from the heart because you don’t have to be perfect. It is all about sharing what you love and loving what you do. Related: 3 Year Blogiversary! […]