Like everything in life, blogging gets easier the more you do it. Someone who has blogged for years can write a post in half an hour, compared to a complete blogging newbie who takes a few days. You can argue that taking more time means the post might be more thorough and of a higher standard, but this isn’t always the case.
Plus, if you want to make something out of your blogging hobby, you need to get in the mindset of producing great content as often as possible. Therefore, the time taken to write your posts matters a great deal.
Today, I reveal a few tips that can speed up the writing process without diminishing the quality! Check them out down below:
Set up templates for your posts

I find that having a structure to follow makes blogging a lot easier. While your posts can be different, the way they’re set up should be similar. You have the main image, the introduction, the bulk of the article, then the conclusion. Creating a template for your posts means everything is set out for you, and the words just need to be added.
As it shows here https://www.templafy.com/law-firm-document-assembly/, you can literally get templates for just about any type of document. That link is great if you’re creating legal documents or posts, but you can obviously find templates more relevant to your chosen field of focus. Templates save time during the editing and preparation phases as everything is already laid out how it should be.
Make notes
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Do you remember writing essays in school? Teachers always encouraged you to write notes before writing the essay. This made life so much easier as you basically turned the notes into the content. The same applies to your blog posts!
Make notes on your chosen topic and then use them to formulate a more coherent post. This can be done as you’re researching certain topics as well. This way, when it’s time to write, you have all the information you need and can just type things out.
Write when you’re at your most productive point
We all have different ways of being productive. Or, more accurately, we’re all productive under different conditions. For some, you may feel super productive late at night. For others, you work best in the morning. So, cater to your own demands! Think about when you’re at your most productive point in the day and write your posts then. This instantly lets you get things done in half the time as you feel more motivated and engaged.
If you’re not feeling productive, then don’t write at that moment. You’ll take too long, lose focus, and your posts will end up being ow a lower quality. There’s actually a video – which I’ve linked below – that teaches you how to find your most productive time of day.
Use these three tips to speed up your blog-writing process. They will ensure you spend less time writing posts yet still produce top-quality content. In turn, you can now create more posts per week, meaning you can reel in more readers and grow your blogging empire.