When it comes to spring cleaning there are a few areas that we forget to clean. I know, it is crazy to think that we could possibly forget a spot when we are practically cleaning the whole entire home. However, it does happen. this year, you are not going to miss a single crumb or a nook or cranny. I have all that places in your home that you may have forgotten right in this article. Also, stay until the end forĀ a free spring cleaning printable.

When we think about the cleaning, some of us think about the basic go tos such as sink, floors, cabinet doors and throw out the trash. Those are just the surface, you really need to dig deep. Especially when it comes to your kitchen because after all, it is the one place that you host your food at. You want your kitchen to be as clean as possible. This is where spring cleaning comes in, give your kitchen a deep clean by remembering these common places people tend to forget.
- Range Hood
- Gas Burners
- Dishwasher
- Cabinets
- Small Appliances (coffee machine, mixer, microwave, toaster)
- Garbage Can
- Refridgerator
- Garbage disposal
- Under Sink
- Under Stove
- Knife Block

To be fair, there is not a lot of spots you can really miss in your office, (if you have one). There is, however, a spot you may have not even thought out. You cleaned the top of your desk from all the clutter, you even removed your mug that was sitting there and shredded a few papers that you no longer need. Next is really simple cleaning of windows, disinfect desk and vacuum the rug. Nothing too major for this space.
- Computer tower
- Keyboard
Living Room

The living room is another area that can sometimes be overlooked. However, because this is the main area that families like to be in then you know that it is most likely the messiest with it comes to deep cleaning. This area doesn’t just need your regular every week kind of clean but a complete flip upside down kind of clean. You want to get as much dust and allergens from your living room as possible because that is one space that collects the most.
- Remote
- Fan
- Sofa
- Curtains
- Ceiling Fan
- Upholstery
- Sconces, chandeliers, and another lighting
- Telephone

You will sleep easy once you do spring cleaning in your bedroom. When I thought about this for myself, I realize that there are a few things, in my personal life that I forgot to clean. It is easy to think about the surface and not the underneath. I mean bedroom spring cleaning is basically windows, sheets, curtains, and rugs. There more than meets the eyes, and tons of dust that have collected in areas that you haven’t even looked at in a long time. So get your furniture ready to move because it is time to get your bedroom cleaned.
- Mattress
- Pillow
- Duvets
- Closets
- Under Bed

Bathrooms get cleaned the most often so you might be thinking that you don’t have to clean it since you already clean it daily. However, even though you may have cleaned it there are spots that you haven’t yet cleaned or at least thought about cleaning. Before you think we are just going to talk about toilet cleaning or the bathtub. You got to see the list below and ask when was the last time you clean this?
- Shower Curtain
- Tub/Sink Drains
- Toothbrush Holder
- Under Sink
- Exhaust Fan
Other Spots Around the Home

This section is just a few more places that you may or may not have thought about cleaning. Some things are simply ones you never really think about cleaning such as cleaning your vacuum cleaner or cleaning supplies. Those are typically overlooked the most because those are things you use to clean with and never think that they also could use a cleaning from time to time as well.
- Washing Machine
- Dryer Machine
- A/C Unit
- Cleaning Vacum
- Window Screens
- Under Table & Chairs
- Light Switches
That’s it! Now that we did a rundown of your home on all the places you may have forgotten about, you are right on your way to getting extra clean this spring cleaning season. I know this is a lot to process and how are you going to remember it all? Well, you are in luck! I have spring cleaning checklist that will surely get your checking off everything you need to get done. Also, it is free so you do not need to bring out your wallet for this downloadable printable. I use mine every year and it really helps. So, grab yours below!