Let’s talk about copaiba essential oil! I use this oil personally when I have my lower back issues. I started having huge back pains after having my son and tried just about everything to solve the problem. Some things worked and some took way too long to kick in but I wanted something natural and strong nothing just off the shelf and filled with chemical substances.
Some days it hurts a ton so I pair this oil with Panaway and coconut oil and together it helps my lower back significantly. Much better than when I had to use hot and cold. It really gets in there and the smell isn’t strong or awful.
Why do I love this? When I tell someone about oil they always like to ask me what is oil? What are the benefits of the oil? Why should they use it? And so many more questions! Which is completely natural to ask so I thought why not put together a simple article that tells you everything you need to know about an oil and this time I am talking about copaiba. So, let’s get started!
What is Copaiba?
Copaiba essential oil is steam distilled from the gum resin of a copaiba tree which is located in Brazil. When distilled it comes out as a pale yellow color. It the most anti-inflammatory oil on earth and it also has antiseptic properties. What is pretty fascinating about this oil is that when it is paired with other essential oils it will magnetize the properties of that other oil. It is most commonly used as a lacquer or varnish, however, there are many health benefits it can be used for. If not used properly it can cause stomach problems when used internally.
What are the Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil?
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Congestion
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Infections
- Athlete Foot
- Varicose Veins
- Anxiety
- Liver
- Brain
- Teeth
- Acne
- Wrinkles
- Skin
- Scars
- Mood
- Blood Pressure
- StretcUseful Things to Know About Essential Oils – Spotlight: Copaibah Marks
Copaiba Benefits for Home
Topical:Â Copaiba oil helps to stop irritations in the body such as pains and acne. It will improve your skin by tightens and improves wrinkles and scars.
Aromatic: When diffused or inhaled it helps with congestion in the chest. It will loosen up tense muscles. Also, improves your mood.
Internal: This oil is an oil that you can take internally however not by itself. It is best to have it inside of a gel capsule along with a carrier oil and honey helps with the bitter taste. If not it can cause harm to your stomach.
Pain –Â (add a few drop to affected area)
Acne – (dab on skin)
Headaches – (apply to temple and back of neck)
Wrinkles –Â (add 15 drops to 1 ounce of jojoba oil & 5 vitamin E capsules to face twice a day)
Stretch Marks – (apply directly to skin)
Sagging Skin – (apply directing to skin)
Stomach Distress –Â (add a drop to tea and honey)
Sore Muscles –Â (add 3-5 drops to bath with 1 cup of Epson salt)
Massage – (apply 3-5 drops with a carrier oil such as coconut oil)
Tension – (apply to 4-5 drops with jojoba to area)
Skincare – (add 2-4 to moisturizer)
There are many useful things to know about copaiba essential oil. There are so many practical ways to use it in your daily life. What I love most of all is that this is a natural source to fix everyday issues we all face. You can grab an essential oil that can help you with a multitude of things and not just one.
If this is your first time here and you curious about why I have decided to enter this exciting world of essential oils into my life. I will tell you all about it right here. If you want some more essential oil 101 oil knowledge then check this one out – Spotlight Lavender.
Try It for Yourself
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