Do I need an ESTA for traveling to the US? Ah, that age-old question. Along with booking flights to the US and finding somewhere to rest your head – sorting out a visa can be a sticky wicket, too – well, not anymore.
“Why is that?“, you may ask. The answer is on the wall. Not literally. The answer is actually written in this text. *Drum roll*, please… Introducing the ESTA or the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation.
The ESTA is an electronic resource that allows citizens of 38 countries travel to the United States without a visa. Instead, by using the Visa Waiver Programme, they are able to use ESTA.

So what is ESTA?
ESTA, like previously mentioned allows those eligible to travel to the United States for up to 90 days as a tourist or if someone has business to attend to. Moreover, ESTA’s are essential for anybody flying to the United States with a connecting flight. (Seriously).
Once an ESTA has been obtained, you can travel to the US for 2 years (an unlimited number of times). Well, that is unless your passport expires in that time. In that instance, a new ESTA would be required. For more information about ESTA, head to estaform.org where you will find a very helpful guide.
Considerations of ESTA
There are a few things to consider before applying for the ESTA form: You must have an electronic passport; you must have an internet connection and your passport must have a biographical page. Failure to comply with these rules will mean you’ll need a visa.
If you’re planning on traveling to the US as a family, you can complete ESTA applications for multiple persons at once. Please note that every person must have their own ESTA, even children. Children must also have their own passport – children’s ID are not accepted for the ESTA application.

Process of ESTA
The process for the ESTA application is simple. You have to log online to complete the form, which takes approximately 30 minutes. Within a matter of seconds after completion, you should have your ESTA sorted. All from the comfort of your own home. The cost for ESTA is $14.
Now compare that to a visa. You have to travel down to an embassy. Also, ou have to complete multiple forms. You have to pay a lot of money for one. Hmm, ESTA suddenly sounds appealing, huh?
How to apply for your ESTA?!
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. By clicking ESTA, you will find the official website where you can apply for your ESTA.