Who is excited about allergies tests? It was never me however I learned I needed to in order to learn the many things I am allergic to or what I am not allergic to anymore. It’s an interesting experience… you get a poke and then wait to see what itches most. Weird.
However, I found one that doesn’t poke you. This company just needs a few strands of your hair, you mail it and they email you with the results. I found them on Groupon. I couldn’t resist the urge of finding out more about my body that did not result in getting picked or sitting in a doctor’s office.
I tried it and it’s pretty cool. You can learn about not just foods but animals, trees, chemicals, what is nutrients are lacking and virus you may have.
First Reason

It can save your life. I only love checking because there is always something that just doesn’t agree with me and I want to know what it is. Not all the time it’s a fruit or a pet but with many items out there lingering the box ingredients. Now I know what to avoid.
Second Reason

Your body is constantly changing. I never forgot about learning that you either gain an allergy or lose an allergy every seven years. So why not know this information about yourself ahead of time. It is worthy of know to protect your body from the harmful items that hurt you.
Final Thoughts
Allergies are so common these days it is unbelievable. If you don’t like to be pricked or poked than you would love the allergy test my family and I decided to try. The deal is pretty amazing, they test 800 food and environmental allergies and sensitivity items for you all using your hair. Plus the price of it is around $20. Completely worth every penny. If the link to the deal is over, you can check out their site – Allergy Testing Company. You will be amazed at what you are allergic to that you have no clue. Even till this day, it happens to me.