Are you going for a journey somewhere around your area like Republic Waterpark or a beautiful heritage site? Wherever you may be heading, for sure you want to make the most of it. You want to enjoy everything – food, experience, community, and whatnot. And I bet you won’t let anything to hinder your adventure, even the budget constraint.
If you are a traveller, a budgeterian to be particular, this one’s for you! Here are some things you should remember at all times:
Prepare an itinerary
A budgetarian knows the importance of having an itinerary. Others might think that it is restricting your freedom to move around or spontaneity, but in contrast, preparing a plan provides otherwise. It will be helpful if you know the places you would love to visit, as you will get an idea how much is the travel fare from going to that place to another, if there are any entrance or other fees, and whatnot. Note that it doesn’t need to be followed rigorously, you may still explore and have that certain spice of extemporary.

Referrals are everything
Being referred to other people and establishing a good rapport with new contacts are one way to make your travel more worthwhile, not mention cheaper. We are not inferring that you are being kind to them just because you are expecting some good deals after you become friends with them, but leads and referrals are really something you should treasure. Who knows, you might need their help soon. Hopefully, they can count on you when the time comes.
Read travel blogs and tips

A budgetarian also values the significance of other travellers’ reviews, blogs, and tips. It helps one to know what to expect for their trip. Through thorough reading and searching, you may also be able to improve they’re itinerary and suggest some recommendations. Reading about other people’s travels does not lessen your skill in travelling. You just accept the fact that some people share the same passion as yours, and they have different skills and abilities too.
Avoid peak travel dates (and holidays!)
If you want to lessen your expenses and hassle of travelling, avoid going out in peak dates particularly during holidays. It is not only the weekends that are going to be long but also the queues! Not to mention the fact that there special holiday rates in some establishments. We cannot blame them for making the most of the opportunity given. But if your goal is to travel cheaper and further enjoy your trip, go out on the dates people less likely to visit the place you are heading to.
Make friends and valuable connections
As mentioned above, aside from getting referrals from friends practically for discounts and special rates, it is also vital for one to make friends and valuable connections during a trip. It is not just about travelling at a lower price, but going for a trip further than expected. We are out not only to explore the wonders and beauty of the place but also to immerse ourselves in the community.
Do Away with Fancy Hotels

More often than not, what makes travelling quite pricey are not the tickets or fare, but the accommodation. If you want to lessen your expenses, you might want to do away with booking fancy hotels. Try going for apartelles, inns, hostels or transient houses as they are way cheaper than those hotels. You can also check out sharing rooms when going for a trip. It is also an avenue for you to meet new friends.
Ask Locals

The best navigators for your travel are the locals because they know the ins and outs of the place. Ask them what the good sites to visit are, adventures to join, food to try, and the list goes on. They are probably willing to share some thrifty travel tips! Furthermore, try to befriend them and get their contact details so the next time you visit again, they can help you with your travel, and you can also share their information to your friends and colleagues.
Eat out in Carinderias and Similar Food Stalls
Aside from ditching fancy and pricey hotels, you may also want to add in the list expensive restaurants. It is not that we are against them. But if you will come to think about it, there are only a few authentic restaurants in town. Besides, you want to pay less, right? Though there’s nothing wrong with eating in those restaurants but maybe not during your whole stay. Go out and try carinderias and alike stalls.
Make use of Maps
Locals are unquestionably the best tour guide but if you want to travel solo make use of maps. It will also help you improve your navigation skills. Moreover, it makes you explore the place on your own and discovering these wonders on your own is very liberating. If you are up to that challenge, start practicing.
Travel lightly

Lastly but definitely not the least, travelling lightly saves you a couple of bucks and a lot of hassle. Pack only what is necessary and avoid bringing your house when you travel. You may search for packing tips and tricks for you to be able to maximize the space of your bags. Know what are the things you should bring with you when you travel.
We are hoping that this list is able to remind you of the things you need for being a budgetarian. Feel free to add more in this list and share your thrifty travel tips to us.
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